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see url Lower body strength training is an essential factor in any complete fitness program. Gym and fitness machines are available to assist you in achieving your fitness goals of a shapely lower body through strength training. Below are ten exercises that you can do at the gym to build muscle and tone up your lower body.

Weighted Forward Bend

follow site This exercise targets the hamstrings, glutes and erector spinae. With feet shoulder-width apart, place a light barbell on your shoulders. Keeping the back and knees straight, bend forward at the hips until the hamstring muscles begin to limit your movement.

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Hamstring Curl

Purchase Tramadol Overnight Delivery This exercise strengthens the hamstrings. Using the hamstring curl machine, lie face down on the bench and adjust the pads to a comfortable position around the ankles. Grasp the support handles and lift the pads upward as you flex the knee joints as far as they will go toward the buttocks. Gently lower legs back to starting position.

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Seated Leg Extension This basic exercise targets the quadriceps. Using the leg extension machine, sit on the seat and hook the feet under the pads so it rests comfortably above the ankle. Grip the bars firmly at each side and extend the legs. Gently lower legs back to starting position.

Wide-Stance Leg Press This variation of the front squat is great for strengthening the glutes, hamstrings and quadriceps. Place your feet on the leg press platform hip-width apart. Fully extended your legs in front of you slowly lower the platform until hips are at a 90-degree angle. Return to the starting position.

Single Leg Press A more challenging version of the leg press, this exercise targets the glutes and quadriceps. Place one foot on the leg press platform. Using the balls of your feet, extend the leg. Reverse the motion and slowly bend your leg, keeping strong resistance in the leg muscles. After completing a set, reverse legs and repeat.

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Leg Press Calf Raises

get link Calf raises strengthen and tones the gastrocnemus and soleus muscles. Place the balls of your feet on the leg press platform with your heels hanging off. With slightly bent knees, press the platform by pointing your toes.  Slowly lower the weight downward by moving your toes back toward you.

Step up This exercise is great for the glutes, hamstrings and quadriceps. Choose a weight that will be challenging. Step up onto a step box with one foot and down with the other. Then switch the lead foot and repeat the same number of repetitions.

Front Squat

Order Tramadol Cod Only This basic squat is great for the quadriceps, glutes and core muscles. Place feet shoulder-width apart. Bend both knees and lower the buttocks toward the floor keeping your back straight. Hold the position for three to five seconds and return to the upright position.

Standing Low Cable Hip Adduction This movement will target the hip adductor muscles and the abdominals. Attach an ankle strap to the low pulley and around your right ankle. Stand with your right side slightly away but facing the weight stack. Raise your right leg straight out toward the weight stack. Keep your left knee slightly bent. Return and repeat. Turn around and continue with opposite leg.

Standing Low Cable Hip Abduction This movement focuses on the glutes and gracilis muscles. This exercise also targets the abdominals. Attach an ankle strap to the low pulley and around left ankle. Step out away from stack. Stand on right foot and allow left leg to cross in front. Keep right leg slightly bent. Return and repeat. Turn around and continue with right leg.