Paleo Diet Food List

HAPPY 2014! I don’t know a more proper way to kick off the New Year than with a healthy lifestyle change. My husband and I, after dabbling in it for some time (well, really I was cooking this way for a while, he just did not realize what I was doing. Clever aren’t I?) have decided to go strict Paleo for at least one month this year. We decided January is as good of a month as any to do this.

If you have not heard of the Paleo diet, do not be ashamed. Many people are unfamiliar with this style of eating. But, rest assured that if you are looking to get healthy and possibly shed a few pounds, this diet is for you.

The Paleo diet, also commonly known as the Caveman diet, relies heavily on plants and animals for source of nutrition. Today’s version of this diet consists of fish, eggs, grass-fed meats, fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts. Pre-package foods, potatoes, dairy products, grains, refined salts and sugars, and legumes GMO foods are not allowed on this diet.

By eliminating some of the “starchier” and carbohydrate laden foods, the body is able to burn fat and use nutrients more effectively. Below is a list of foods that are allowed on this eating plan. This is by no means an exhaustive list of foods. For those planning on following this eating plan, I will be posting recipes as I encounter them. Good luck!

Paleo Diet Food List