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click Have you ever felt that success is out of your control? Do you ever wonder about the secrets to attracting success? For most people, success doesn’t simply happen by chance. What you do, how you think, and how you carry yourself has an enormous effect on whether you succeed or not. Below is 21 ways to help you on your way to success.

  1. Do what you feel is ideal, regardless of what others think.
  2.  Believe that: what is to be will be, but it is dependent on me
  3. Learn new things continuously.
  4. Act as though you won’t fail.
  5.  Build your notoriety for trustworthiness, respectability, quality, and great service.
  6. Support others in accomplishing their objectives.
  7. Take accountability for your past, present, and future endeavors.
  8.  Inspire others.
  9. Dream BIG. Strategize. Act NOW.
  10. Know that you are equivalent to everybody and that everybody is equivalent to you
  11. SMILE. It exudes eagerness, friendliness, and certainty.
  12. Do and say things for the benefit of everyone.
  13. Give away something each day—a postcard, letter, blessing, grin, compliment.
  14. Develop many powerful relationships.
  15. Simplify your life.
  16. Be great to yourself—stay strong, fit, and healthy both physically and mentally.
  17. Dress for achievement—feel awesome and give the impression of a trailblazer.
  18. Strive for excellence in your field of work.
  19. Live your optimal life – NOW.
  20. Be receptive to new thoughts, connections, and encounters
  21. Realize that all things happen for the best.