November is the month, thanks to Thanksgiving, where many people reflect on what they are most grateful for via gratitude challenges. Here at Sexy Moxie Mama, we would like to encourage you to try this challenge as an opportunity to reflect and acknowledge all the blessings in your life. Below, I have listed writing prompts to inspire you in your gratitude journey. Pick one topic a day, and write a sentence or two about what you’re grateful for based on the prompt. For example: Family: I am grateful that I have such a loving and understanding family. Post your daily responses on your Facebook page, Tweet it, Instagram it, blog it, or journal it. Please let me know how your gratitude challenge is going. I’d love to hear what you are grateful for.
enter- Family/Parents
- Friends
- Senses
- Mind
- Heart
- Health
- School/teachers
- Freedom of speech
- Ancestors
- Sunset/Sunrise
- Oxygen
- Nature
- Animals/pets
- Transportation
- Technology/Music/Movies/Books/Blogs
- Job/Career
- Home
- Strangers
- Mistakes/Heartbreaks
- Laughter
- Love
- Life
- An answered prayer
- Hope
- Healing
- Helping others
- Change
- Perspective
- Opportunities/A fresh start
- Dreams