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get link We have all heard of the idea of paying it forward. This notion inspires us to help other people, asking only that they randomly help someone else. Rather than paying us back, they pay it forward to another person. The idea is that this type of activity will, in the long run, spread generosity and good deeds across the globe. We can change the world through the concept of paying it forward. Blake Beattie, international speaker and author once said, “Sail beyond the horizon; fly higher than you ever thought possible; magnify your existence by helping others; be kind to people and animals of all shapes and sizes; be true to what you value most; shine your light on the world; and be the person you were born to be.” So, how can you pay it forward?  Most people want to have an effect on the people and the environment around them, they are just not sure how. Fortunately, there are a lot of simple and easy ways to make a difference in your local community. Sometimes, all it requires is a friendly smile to a stranger. Other examples are paying the tab for the person behind you in line; allowing someone to merge into traffic in front of you, and helping an unsuspecting person load their groceries into their car.

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go site 31 ideas to practice random acts of kindness everyday

follow url You may never know the influence that the acts you perform are making on someone else. But the random acts of kindness that you perform do make a difference. So make a difference today and practice random acts of kindness! You will feel a sense of accomplishment—and so will the receiver of your kind-heartedness.


source Below are 31 ways you can practice random acts of kindness.

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  1. Make a card for a Soldier/Sailor/Airman/Marine
  2. Tape change to a vending machine
  3. Pick up litter in your neighborhood
  4. Buy a coffee for your boss
  5. Donate a book to your local library or hospital
  6. Create blessing bags
  7. Do yard work for a neighbor
  8. Pay for a stranger’s meal
  9. Cook a meal for someone
  10. Put money in someone’s parking meter
  11. Buy a gift from a random Amazon Gift List
  12. Praise a parent for their child
  13. Let someone go in line in front of you
  14. Bring your coworkers lunch
  15. Buy a meal for a homeless person
  16. Bake an extra batch of holiday cookies for nurses
  17. Leave books in a common area for neighbors to take
  18. Write a thank you letter to someone who has impacted your life
  19. Leave coupons you don’t need in the store
  20. Bring a treat to your local police, fire, or emergency department
  21. Give three compliments to strangers
  22. Leave a generous tip
  23. Sing Christmas Carols at a nursing home
  24. Pay for someone’s gas
  25. Read to the elderly
  26. Volunteer at a food bank
  27. Give up your seat for someone
  28. Bring a welcome gift to a new co-worker
  29. Make your partner breakfast in bed
  30. Donate your time at a senior center
  31. Give a compliment to a co-worker for a job well done

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go to link get link How do you practice random acts of kindness?