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go to site This post was developed in partnership with Similac. All opinions are my own

go site Last year, I put together a list of ways to stay active with toddlers via day hiking. Now that the weather is starting to warm up, we’re able to get out more, and we’ve been going on family fun adventures at least once a week. This summer we have been on the go. From family day hikes to road trips, we are a very active family. We love getting out and exploring all the fun places that our state has to offer. No matter where we choose to go for family fun, exploring with a toddler, two preschoolers and a teenager is always an adventure. Family vacations and day trips with toddlers can be fun with a little planning.

1. Where to Go

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watch Whether you are going on a weekend road trip or to the beach, you’ll need to plan in ahead when traveling with toddlers. This, unquestionably, is the first part of family fun planning with children. Find a destination that is fun for everyone in the family. Remember, not all destinations have toddler-friendly activities so you may need to make your own fun at the destination of your choosing.

2. Keeping a Schedule Try following your toddler’s and family’s daily schedule to make them feel as comfortable as possible in a new place. If possible, try traveling at night when your little one is asleep. If this is not an option, plan your departure before or after nap time. Create a familiar sleeping environment during sleep times by decreasing glare/sunlight and excessive noises. Additionally, make sure to feed your toddler at her regular meal times, not when it’s convenient for you. Plan ahead and ensure adequate rest and meals will help decrease spells of crabbiness.

3. Keep Them Busy Having small toys, lightweight books, or age appropriate games can occupy your toddler while traveling. Portable entertainment like tablets, smartphones, and DVD players are also particularly beneficial for long car rides or flights. Many pre-school apps, movies, and songs can be downloaded that you and your toddler will enjoy. Don’t forget to pack her favorite blanket or teddy too.

4. Prepare a Bag

go site Go & Grow by Similac diaper bag As we have been spending more time outdoors and on-the-go, we always have a backpack handy filled with traveling necessities. Since not all our day trips are planned, we like to have everything available in the backpack in the event we decide to go exploring. The backpack includes diapers, toys, a change of clothes, diaper wipes, bibs, hand sanitizer, and snacks.

5. Have Healthy Snacks on Hand

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Can You Order Tramadol Online Legally When traveling and exploring, there can be long gaps between meals depending on the situation, so ensure you’re prepared with a variety of healthy snacks and table foods. Eating the right table foods is vital for their health and consists of foods containing the four basic food groups—meat, dairy, grain, and fruits and vegetables.

enter site Since she’s at an impressionable age, we make sure that we are making the most of this time by introducing good eating habits. Kids are never too young to develop good eating habits, so we make sure we are doing everything we can to ensure that all our kids are eating healthy food. We found that Go & Grow by Similac Pouches with OptiGRO are an easy way for us to help us squeeze more fruits and veggies into her day when we are traveling. Found at Walmart in the baby food aisle, Go & Grow by Similac Pouches are Certified USDA Organic, Non-GMO, contain no fillers, artificial flavors or colors and are gluten free and come in two age groups—for babies six months of age and older and for toddlers 12+ months. walmart shelf

get link I love that these convenient Go & Grow by Similac pouches contain three to four servings of combined fruits and vegetables with toddler flavors like:

  • Butternut Squash, Pumpkin, Banana, Carrot, Spinach, Broccoli Puree
  • Mango, Sweet Potato, Pear Puree
  • Mango, Apple, Butternut Squash, Spinach Puree
  • Apple, Butternut Squash, Banana, Blueberry Puree toddler drink

source url Go & Grow by Similac also has a delicious and nutritious Go & Grow Toddler Drink that has over 25 vitamins and minerals per 8-ounce serving.  This gluten-free toddler drink also has OptiGRO™, unique brain- and eye-nourishing blend of DHA, Lutein, and Vitamin E. While Go & Grow by Similac Pouches and Toddler Drink are not a replacement for healthy eating, they can help toddlers meet their daily servings of fruits and veggies while on the go.

source Go & Grow by Similac

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see What are your favorite on-the-go snacks for your toddler? Are you an on-the-go family, and where are your favorite places to go?