During the summer months, when air conditioning costs at their highest, many homeowners look for ways to decrease their energy costs. One amazing way to lower costs and help the environment is to utilizing a resource that is in abundance—the sun.
Tramadol Order Online As homes continue to get “smarter” with the advent of smart technology like thermostats, refrigerators, and TVs, so is the electricity that powers them. Electricity from solar power is a clean, affordable energy source that is cheaper than utility company electricity. The Scott Brothers and Kylie Jenner even have solar! But, despite all of these great advantages, there still remains many misconceptions about solar power and solar systems.
Major Misconceptions about Solar Power
Myth 1: Solar has a high upfront cost. follow Reality: There are two options when electing to go solar: purchasing a new system or leasing a system through a solar service provider. With purchasing, upfront costs can be high. Additionally, homeowners are in charge of finding an installer, handling the installation, insuring the system, completing tax rebates/credits paperwork, and maintenance. Owning a system can be a nuisance and main reason many homeowners decide to use a solar lease provider. Sunrun solar leasing allows you to get solar installed for as little as $0 down and begin immediate monthly savings on your electricity costs.
Myth 2: Solar is complex. source link Reality: Solar service providers like Sunrun manage the specifics of going solar. Sunrun will design and install a system that works for your home, remotely monitor the system’s production, and maintain the system during the lifetime of the service agreement. You just pay a low, locked-in rate for the electricity your panels produce.
Myth 3: There are no benefits to going solar. here Reality: Homeowners can profit from Federal and State tax incentives for buying solar panels. When you lease solar panels, the solar providers own the solar panels and take advantage of those incentives to decrease the cost of your solar electricity. Sunrun solar service gives you power over your electricity costs and shields you from unpredictable increases in electricity rates without dealing with the extra paperwork.
Myth 4: Solar won’t save me money. watch Reality: How much money you save is dependent on your household usage, solar rate and the rate charged by your utility company. If utility rates continue increasing, solar customers can continue to see significant savings on their electricity bills over the lifetime of their system. On average, Sunrun solar service customers save 20% on their electricity costs. *Actual savings vary, see HERE for details.
Myth 5: I will lose money because I don’t use a lot of electricity.
get link Tramadol Online Overnight Uk Reality: When you decide to go solar, a net meter is installed with your system that looks similar to your utility meter to calculate how much solar electricity your system produces. If your system produces more electricity than you use, the extra electricity is provided to your utility grid, and your net meter will “spin” in reverse, giving you energy credits. At night, when the solar system is not creating electricity, you can use your energy credits to power your home.
Myth 6: Leasing a solar system is a waste of money.
follow url Tramadol Where To Buy Uk Reality: Leasing a solar system lets you go solar with little or no upfront cost while still receiving monthly electricity bill savings. Your monthly payment is dependent on factors such as tiered electricity costs in your area, the size of your system, rebates offered, etc. According to Go Solar California, 72% of Californians in 2013 who decided to go solar chose to use a third-party owned or power purchase agreement (PPA) system.
Learn More about the Benefits of Solar Power Sunrun solar is a win-win; good for your wallet, and good for the planet. So you can spend your savings on a dream vacation, college tuition, or your retirement. Please note that leased solar is not available in every state. Visit Tramadol With Mastercard Sunrun to learn more about the benefits of solar power and to see if Sunrun solar service is available in your area.
Win Big, Save Big To celebrate all the ways to save money at home, Sunrun Solar is giving 100 lucky winners a Nest Learning Thermostat.
****Enter HERE for your chance to win TODAY!****
go to site source site I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own. I never really knew much about it. I learned a lot from this.
I live in an apartment thus I can not take advantage of solar power–I wish I could-and yes I would probably lease if I owned a home. I live in NY and I don’t think this company is here but there are a lot of solar panels being installed on homes near me!
Michele recently posted…EatBy App launches on World Environment Day. Save $1000 a year and HELP the Environment
Our house gets a ton of sun everyday, and we’ve been talking about going solar. Thanks for sharing this info.
Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle recently posted…Need Clean Clothes? Then You Need SWASH #SwashatBestBuy
I see quite a few sponsored posts for Solar Panels, but what I haven’t found is actual review with someone’s own savings, are you currently using solar panels for your home? I would really love to hear someone’s personal experience with it.
Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly recently posted…Nominate a Special Dad for an @NYBG Father’s Day Concert + Frida Al Fresco Experience in New York City! #FridaNYBG
Yes we have solar panels on our home. We actually just bought the home a few months back so I can only attest to the last 6 months. Our monthly electric bill each month since we have owned the home has been $5 or less. Thant’s great savings, especially going into the summer months.
Thanks! That’s EXACTLY what I was wondering! :)
Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly recently posted…Nominate a Special Dad for an @NYBG Father’s Day Concert + Frida Al Fresco Experience in New York City! #FridaNYBG
Hi Tracy,
Here’s one blogger’s analysis of his savings:
I live in Arizona and Solar power is huge out here. I am going to get solar when I buy a home.
Lesley recently posted…Kids Taco Halloween Costume
I know that solar can be so helpful when it comes to saving electricity. It would be nice if we all had solar panels!
Christy Maurer recently posted…Best Buy Education: Your Education Technology Partner
A friend of ours installed a solar panel in their home and they said it’s the best investmeent they ever made for their home.
Chubskulit Rose recently posted…Photos Before Going to Church for EJ’s Communion
I have been playing with the idea of solar panels for our home. Thanks for clarifying myths for us
coolchillmom recently posted…Munchkin Helps Grandma Do Laundry
Interesting information. I thought that it was a good thing and would eventually pay for itself.
Mama to 5 BLessings recently posted…Super Saturday Giveaway Linky
Our system has paid for itself, that is for sure.
I think solar power is an important way to go . It is so important to find ways that we can gain power. I wish i could have them at my home. I live in a condo so we are not allowed.
My husband is really interested in going solar. This is great info and will help us a lot. Thanks!
Caroline recently posted…Mini Meatloaves Recipe
We don’t own our home yet so I haven’t really thought about it too much. I have heard there’s many benefits though so it’s definitely something worth checking out!
Very cool about leasing – I didn’t know that – We are in a shady area and our electricity is low – but the storage of the power would make it a great idea – thank you
Donna Ward recently posted…How to Craft Awesome ROI as a Successful Blogger
I have always been interested in going solar but also assumed the cost was out of reach. I think there is alot of misinformation out there for consumers, it’s nice to have it all clarified in one post!
Nicole recently posted…National Donut Day
I would love to go solar. I rent right now, so I can’t make modifications, but some day. My mom has a friend in CA who uses mostly solar, with standard electricity as an emergency back up, because the electric costs are so high.
Nikki recently posted…Experience the Thrill of Vegas from the Comfort of Your Sofa with DoubleDown Casino
Thanks for all the information about solar power. My friend uses nothing but solar power and I was pretty intrigued by it.
I had no idea there was a leasing option for solar panels! This is amazing I would love to switch my home over to solar power very soon!
Jessica Simms recently posted…Vanilla Cupcakes With Strawberry Cream Cheese Frosting
The supermarket around our way just installed solar panels. I’m sure it will help them save money now on their utility bills.
toughcookiemommy recently posted…Get Ready For Summertime With The Peanuts Gang! #PeanutsAtTarget @Snoopy @Target #Giveaway #Ad
I’ve always wondered about Solar power and how it works, thank you for the info!
Winter White recently posted…A Staycation : The OJai Chronicles
I think solar power is a great choice. I wish i could have it here at my new house but it is a condo and we are not allowed.
There is some great information in this post, thank you! I’ve been looking for some good facts on solar power!
Kristen from The Road to Domestication recently posted…Home Matters Linky Party #40
Wow! I had no idea leasing was an option. We have looked at solar and wind and haven’t had either installed because of costs. A windmill is just over 10k for us with the batteries we would need. I will definitely look into this!
Jeanette E. recently posted…10 Things Every Mom of Boys Should Know
My hubby is all for solar power usage. I guess I’m in the right crowd because I hadn’t heard any of these myths.
Tami recently posted…Favorite Book Series Made Into a Movie
I would love to go solar in my house. My husband would love this
Katherine recently posted…Roadtripping in the 2015 Toyota 4Runner #toyotadrives #letsgoplaces
I would love to add solar to our house even though it is very energy efficient compared to other homes. I don’t think it’s available in our area yet. The only issue that I would be concerned with is our spring hail storms.
Uplifting Families recently posted…How Finding Books for your Kids can Make them Fanatic Readers
I must confess I have little to no knowledge about solar power but its good to read and learn about common misconceptions
Miranda (myrabev) recently posted…{Guest Post} 5 slimming fashion tricks every woman needs
This was a really interesting read! I learned a lot from this post! Thanks!
Michelle @ Dishes and Dust Bunnies recently posted…7 Tips to Prevent the Dreaded “Muffins of Disappointment”
I think the myth that I’ve heard was solar having a high upfront cost. I really thought it is expensive. Thanks for the info. I would really consider solar power because of its many benefits.
Lynndee recently posted…Bistek Tagalog or Filipino Beefsteak
I am very interested in learning more about solar power and really any way I can help the environment. Thanks for this post!!
ricci recently posted…Grown Up Dinner featuring Bon Appetit Pizza!
This is great info. i really never knew too much about solar power so this was definitely teaching me something new.
Paula Schuck recently posted…High Blood Pressure Facts
I had a college professor afew years back that had a solar power house! I always thought it was the neatest concept!
Thank you so much for clearing up some of these misconceptions! I didn’t know you could rent a solar system from a company!
Carly Brydon recently posted…Father’s Day Gift Guide (and a great discount)
I was one of the people who just couldn’t understand the hype. All I saw was the cost of installation and maintenance versus a decrease in bills. Thank you for sharing your story in the comments section. :)
Cia | recently posted…Hidden Gems: Sun Center Garden and Gifts
There are so many misconceptions about the solar power but this post should help with them for sure. Solar panels are amazing for the environment and so much cheaper in the end. The sun is a resource we tend not to use as much as we should. Love this giveaway and will be checking it out for sure. Thanks for sharing.
This was really great information. I have been guilty of believing many of these myths and really appreciate the information you provided. I will have to look into solar energy as we are trying to cut costs at home and this seems like a great option.
Paula Bendfeldt recently posted…Chipotle Chicken Tostadas With Avocado
Excellent and helpful post. Solar Panelss are growing in popularity and it doesn’t look like a trend that will be going away anytime soon.Adding solar panel to your home can make your home more green and it can also significantly reduce your utility bills, And you are also greatly helping our environment by producing clean energy from a renewable source.