I recently wrote about my concern with the amount of “things” and “stuff” our kids have and receive on a yearly basis (you can read the post HERE). If you are feeling like me, pull yourself and your kids out of the uninspiring and expensive cycle of consumer flurry this holiday season, by trying one of these more thoughtful and non-toy gift ideas. Here are 80 non-toy gift Ideas you can reference for birthdays, Christmas, or any other time of the year. Tip: you might also want to pass this along to family members as a “what-to-buy guide” for birthdays and holidays. Passes
Season Passes
- Zoo
- Children’s Museum
- Aquarium
- Amusement Park
- Water Park
- Baseball/Football/Hokey/Basketball Team
Single Use Passes
- Movies
- Bowling
- Ice/Roller Skating
- Mini Golf
- The Circus
- A Sporting Event
- A Concert
- Disney on Ice
- Gift certificate to favorite restaurant
Fun Experiences
For Kids
- Donate gently used toys, books, puzzles, and games to a local homeless shelter
- Horse Drawn Carriage Ride
- A Train Ride
- A Special Dinner Out (for birthdays, let kids pick their favorite place)
- A Trip to the Fire Station
- A Trip to Chuckie Cheese
For Teens and Grown-Ups
- Hot Air Balloon Ride
- Zip Lining
- Helicopter Ride
- Trip to the Spa (ex. Mani/Pedi, Facial, etc.)
- Rock Climbing
- Hiking
- Whitewater Rafting
- Gift certificate to an art and wine night (adults 21+)
Whole-Family Experiences
- A staycation at a local hotel
- A vacation to a hotel with an indoor waterpark (like Great Wolf Lodge).
- Camping
- Road or day trip
- Trip to the Beach
- A trip to Disney World/Disney Land
Classes or Lessons
- Swimming
- Sports/Martial Arts
- Gymnastics
- Dance
- Musical Instrument
- Pottery Class
- Craft or Art Class
- Horseback Riding Lessons
Toy-Free Gifts
Small Gifts
- Books
- Art Supplies
- Games
- Puzzles
- Age Appropriate CDs
- iTunes Gift Cards
- Bath Time Fun Supplies (like: bath tablets, soap crayons, bath toys, foamy soap, etc.)
- A Wrist Watch
- Piggy Bank
- Memory/Photo Book
Large Gifts
- New Bedding (with favorite movie or cartoon character)
- Bicycle
- Scooter
- Roller skates/blades
- Basketball Hoop
- Trampoline
- Swing Set
- Sled or Other outdoor winter items
- Toy box
- Jewelry box
- A New Game Console
Subscription Gifts
- Magazine Subscription (ex. National Geographic Kids, Highlights High Five, etc)
- Monthly Craft Kit (like Kiwi Crate)
- Monthly Science Kit
- Book-Of-The-Month Club (like Children’s Book of the Month Club)
- Baby Essentials Subscription (like Walmart’s Baby Box)
Learning Gifts
- Craft Kit
- Science Kit
- Magic Kit
- Telescope
- Cookbook with an Apron/Chefs Hat
- Easel
- Chalkboard/ Dry Erase Board
- Binoculars
- Globe
- Educational App
Tramadol Rx Online These are fun gifts ideas! Thanks for posting this! I’ve been looking for things to give, something different and I think I have found them. As parent I want my kids to engage in physical activities so I might just bring them to camping! :)