watch training week 5 charity walk


follow I always find it amazing how I can never predict how the week is going to go on Sunday. I have it planned out in my head how I would like for the training week to unfold but it always has to be tweaked some way or another. I think the trick with maintain a good training schedule is to go with the flow. In the back of my mind, I am always aware that something may have to be adjusted so I start planning for it. This week it was the weather.We have had an unusually wet fall, winter, and early spring here in Northern California. This is a good thing as there has been a horrible drought here since before we moved to the Sacramento region in 2015. The winters were mild and the summers were stifling hot with no rain in sight. The first year we fared well, the second summer not so much. Our poor lawn was yellow from the unrelelnting heat and lack of rain. I have always been an outdoorsy type of person so that first year we did a lot of hiking in the early spring through summer. I hiked miles and miles with one kid or another strapped to my back. I love the serenity of a trail and have written about my love of hiking on this website. Last year, though, I was pregnant and training for my first walking half marathon. I did not spend much time on the trail at all. Some of it had to do with me being pregnant and the heat and another part had to do with anxiety I developed after suffering a fall while solo hiking. I had a hard time shaking that anxiety so I spent much of my outdoor time on the pavement vs the dirt. But that is ok, last year was quite arid and many times I found myself too overheated to really care if I was on a sidewalk or a trail. This year is starting out well. The rain has really helped the trails, forests, and meadows. We took our first walk as a family this year on Sunday. I had the baby in the backpack carrier and the other kids, including the teen, were on foot. The baby is still a little too small to be in the frame carrier so I may need to carrier her on my back in an Ergo until she gets just a little taller. It is funny how babies can be so heavy yet so petite.

source The kids love being outside too. Although, we really need to work on strengthening their trail legs. They usually are ready to turn back at about 1 mile so I may need to take them out more frequently to build this up. I know they are little kids but everyone knows the fun stuff is past the first mile marker. Avon 39 This week I received tons of donations for my AVON 39: The Walk to End Breast Cancer fundraising efforts. A lot of this I attribute to the diligent work of my Mother-in-Law. Her devotion to helping me raising this money is nothing less than spectacular. This past week I petitioned my family and received a few donations from them. Overall, I have received donations totaling $1260.00! I only have $540.00 to go before I reach my $1800 fundraising goal. Won’t you help me reach this goal by donating a tax-deductible $5, $25, or even $100? All proceeds go to medical research into the possible causes of and a cure for breast cancer, education and early detection programs, and clinical care and support services for women with breast cancer in community across the country. Your donation will help to save lives. Donate HERE: Have a great week. Stay tuned next week for more of my training adventures. Listening to: Audiobook-  IT source link by Stephen King

go site Total Mileage: 15.31 miles Total training time: 7 hrs 22 mins

  • Sunday, March 19: 1.4 miles Hiking
  • Monday, March 20: 17-minute recovery walk 0.74 miles
  • Tuesday, March 21: 3.1 miles FAST
  • Wednesday, March 22: 30 minutes Cross Training/HIIT
  • Thursday, March 23: 6.04 miles
  • Friday, March 24:  4.03 miles
  • Saturday, March 25: 2 hours Cross Training/Spring Cleaning

Read the ENTIRE journey HERE!