Etsy is an online marketplace for handmade, vintage, and unique goods. It is a platform that allows individuals and stay-at-home moms to sell their products to a global audience.

How to Make Money on Etsy as a SAHM

Is your New Year’s Resolution to make more money? Would you like to make money from the comfort of your home by creating items that you love as a Stay-at-Home mom? Many people have been successful in building profitable businesses by selling their handmade, vintage, unique, and digital products on the Etsy platform. Etsy is […]

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make money with digital marketing making tips for stay at home mom stay at home dad

Make Money with Digital Marketing for Stay-at-Home Parents

Digital marketing can be a great way for stay-at-home parents to make money from home, as it allows them to use their skills and expertise to help businesses reach customers online. There are many ways to make $2,000 per month or more in digital marketing, but the particular approach that will work best for you will […]

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Leia the Blind German Shepherd

Leia the Blind GSD

This is our 5 year old German Shepherd, Leia. Poor Leia has had a rough go of it lately. In early May, she went blind after a very brief issue with her eyes. The vet thought she had SARDS–Sudden acquired retinal degeneration syndrome, a condition that causes rapid and irreversible blindness from changes in the […]

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The Driving Force Behind Inspiration

The Force of Inspiration

Inspiration can be a very powerful motivator in your life. It can keep you moving when you feel like quitting. It is even more influential than goals, as goals gives you your basic blueprint to where you want to go–it shows you where you want to be. These, subsequently, may be centered on requisite want […]

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4 Healing Rituals for Grief

4 Healing Rituals for Grief

As horrible as it feels, grief is a normal human reaction to losing someone or something close to you. The strong emotions that come along with grief can all be an relevant component of ultimately assisting you to heal appropriately. Rituals can be tremendously therapeutic during the grieving process. My characterization of a “ritual” is […]

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The Benefits of Bento Boxes

The Benefits of Bento Boxes

A bento box is a single-portion takeout meal, or a meal prepared and packaged at home. They are most common in Asian cultures, especially Japan, but they are also starting to become popular worldwide. Traditional bento boxes are lunches which include rice or noodles with fish or meat and vegetables. Bentos are known for their […]

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Mom types

Are You an Agreeable, Fighter, or Inspired Mom?

I learn a lot from my from my mom friends. I met this mama’s group when I was pregnant with my second child and have been with them ever since—almost nine years. I have advised the young moms through all these years, and I have learned a lot from the veteran moms. We have been […]

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31 Day Kindness Challenge

  We have all heard of the idea of paying it forward. This notion inspires us to help other people, asking only that they randomly help someone else. Rather than paying us back, they pay it forward to another person. The idea is that this type of activity will, in the long run, spread generosity […]

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Teaching Mindfulness to Kids

Teaching Mindfulness to Kids

Mindfulness is the straightforward method of giving a calm, accepting approach to the present moment. And great news! Kids of any age to benefit from it. It can also assist parents and caregivers by boosting joy and reducing stress. Here are a few simple ideas for kids and adults alike and some activities that create […]

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5 Tips to Avoid Toddler and Preschooler Meltdowns

Toddler and Preschooler Temper Tantrums

Yesterday, after a fun yet long day of hiking and bike riding, my preschooler lost it. I mean really lost it. You know what I mean, one minute she’s calm and quiet and the next she’s screaming and crying at the top of her lungs for 45 minutes straight–a full-fledged preschooler temper tantrum. My nerves […]

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