Staying fit with equipment is not always realistic in our typically fast-paced world. A useful technique to get fit quickly without equipment is with bodyweight exercises. Bodyweight exercises use the weight of your body rather …
Booty Burning Elliptical Workout
Rx Tramadol Online If you’re like me, you want a full-body workout, but you just don’t have enough time in the day to spend doing separate exercises for each body part. An elliptical workout may be just what …
20 Yoga Journal Prompts To transform our dharma— the moral universal order and a code of living that personifies the fundamental principles of thoughts, ethics, and purpose—into action, we must first identify and discover our own personal dharma. Yoga …
Introducting: Moxie Yoga & Wellness Yay! I’m so happy to present the a venture that was a long time in the making. I had been thinking and scrutinizing over this for some time now and finally made the leap today. …
Four Years Ago… It’s been 4 years (6/23) since my hiking accident. You can’t tell from this picture but I’m pretty beat up, scratched up, and bruised…and yet I still love the mountains and hiking. I even wrote …
Creating an Awesome Home Gym Are you a stay at home mom or a work at home mom who wants to get in shape? Do you work outside the home but can’t find time or funds to get to the …
Where Is My “Edge?” Where do I find my edge? This is a question that has been plaguing me since I was asked this question in a yoga class. The word “edge” is defined as: “the outside limit of …
The Mind Matters
enter site “Without control over your mind, your mind will gain control over you.” Our minds hold our memories; gives us our thoughts, feelings, and views; and connects us to other people. Our mind is the opening …
Understanding the 7 Chakras
Order Tramadol From Mexico Recently I’ve been learning a lot about the energy within our bodies. I had been feeling very run down lately and no amount of rest was helping me to feel better. That’s when I opened …
Discovering Yoga: The Main Forms
click here Back in July, I decided that I needed to change up my fitness routine. I was bored and burnt out from running and lifting weights. I had completed my half marathon at the end of …
DIY Gym Spritzer Recipe – Get Fresh
go to link Have you ever felt self-conscious at the gym? With all the toned and beautiful people, I know I have had my share of feeling “not so cute” at the gym. What about thinking that you …
Self Care: Keeping a Yoga Journal
There are many ways to use a journal in your daily life. One great way is to keep a yoga journal. Whether you are new to yoga or have been practicing for years, keeping a …