Showing: 49 - 60 of 83 RESULTS
half marathon walking pregnant

Walking a Half Marathon Pregnant Part 2

[Continued from Part 1…] According to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) “Becoming active and exercising at least 30 minutes on most, if not all, days of the week can benefit your health …

walking a half marathon while pregnant tips

Walking a Half Marathon Pregnant Part 1

I was in my first Half Marathon this weekend—the American River Parkway Half— in Sacramento.  When I embarked on this journey nearly five months ago, I wasn’t out to set any world records, just to …

5 YouTube Channels for Fun At-Home Workouts

5 Youtube Channels for Fun At-Home Workouts

Being pregnant means being more health for me and my growing baby. This time around, I am trying to incorporate more exercise more into my daily life, but it has been a struggle for me. …

stroller walking groups moms

The Benefits of Stroller Walking Group

Motherhood can often be challenging for new and experienced moms alike.  For new moms, the stresses of their newborn often lead to a tendency to have a very restricted social life. It’s rare to have …

8 week weight loss challenge

8- Week Health and Wellness Challenge

How are you doing with your New Year’s resolutions to get healthy and fit? Everyone starts out with such high expectations of succeeding in their New Year’s resolutions but only a few achieve them.  If …

day hiking emerald nuts

5 Tips for Day-Hiking Success

This post is sponsored by Emerald® Nuts How do you stay in shape? What motivates you? If you’re like me, you probably have a gym membership and try to eat a healthy diet. Having an …

Tips for hiking in the summer heat

15 Tips for Summer Hiking Success

Summer is almost here, and if you are like me, you want to spend as much time outside as possible. If you have been reading this blog for some time, you know that I am …

hiking quotes

Wisdom Wednesday: Hiking

Good morning and Happy Wednesday! I hope that your week is calm and creative so far. Generally on Wednesday’s I reserve this post for writing about virtues in my Wisdom Wednesday segment. This week in …

26 reasons to love hiking

26 Reasons People Fall In Love With Hiking

I was a kid when I went on my first hike with my mother. We were at a county park that had trails and playgrounds. She decided we needed to take a little walk in …