avon 39 thoughts

Avon 39: Walk Weekend Wrapup

Now that the Avon 39 has come and gone, here is my recap of this remarkable weekend. Check-In: Friday We drove into San Francisco on Friday afternoon. If you have ever driven into the city from the east, you’ll understand what a feat that was for us. It seemed like we couldn’t get to the […]

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The Final Week: Training Week 20

I cannot believe that I am in my final week of training before the Avon 39. This has been a long and interesting training season for me. I have learned a lot about myself, my endurance, and my resilience with fundraising as well as physically training for the event. Tomorrow and Sunday, I will be […]

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Avon 39 training

Tapering Down: Training Week 19

Wow! It is amazing that my training is almost completed. When I first signed up for the Avon 39, I had a difficult time actually believing that I would get this far. But here I am, just a few days away from walk 39.3 miles in 2 days in San Francisco, CA. Training this week […]

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week 18 sunrise

Almost There: Training Week 18

Wow! What a week! Even though I am tapering down for the remainder of training, this week was very full. Due to extreme heat (most days over 100 degrees), I have had to walk before dawn twice this week. While I hate losing sleep, the solitude of the early morning dawn is an amazing feeling. […]

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avon training week 16-17

Avon 39 Training: Weeks 16-17

Hi all! I’ve been so busy these past few weeks, I completely forgot about writing blog posts. My training is continuing onwards and upwards toward the ultimate goal… 2017: AVON 39 The Walk to End Breast Cancer: San Francisco on July 8-9! It is almost here. I am getting more and more excited as the […]

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walking strong training week 15

Walking Strong: Training Week 15

Happy June! What a great feeling that summer is right around the corner. The Avon 39 is right around the corner for me as well. I am chugging along with my walking training. This week I walked more than I have ever walked before during my endurance training. Each week, as I follow this training […]

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Avon 39 training journal

AVON 39: Training Week 14

Hi, all! Welcome to another week of my Avon 39 Training Diary. This week was much easier than the previous weeks, for sure. I ramped down in preparation for next weeks 20 miles and 10 miles respectably. This is something I am trying to wrap my mind around, even as we gear up for Memorial […]

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Step by Step: Training Week 13

Hello, beautiful people! Welcome to another week of my training journal. This week was quite interesting, to say the least. I am always amazed when my mileage increases during the week. This week I only increased by three miles, but boy did it feel like more. Not that I am complaining. The training is preparing […]

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The Long Haul: Training Week 12

Welcome to another week. For all the moms out there, I hope that you had an amazing Mother’s Day. I had a very busy week this week with training. It is amazing how far that I have come in my distance and strength goals. I still have my days of feeling tired and sore, but […]

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The Gentle Week: Week 11

Happy Sunday, everyone! This is week 11. This week was gentler on the joints and miles than previous weeks. Thank goodness too because starting next week, the miles are going to really increase. This upcoming week I will be walking 16 miles and 8 miles on my endurance days. This makes me a little nervous, […]

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