Halfway to the Avon 39: Training Week 10

Week 10! Wow, it is hard to believe that I am at the halfway point of my training. When I started this journey, I never imagined that I would get to this point so fluidly. What I mean by that is, I have been following this training program by Reebok, and I have not gotten […]

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Step by Step: Training Week 9

Good Morning! I hope that you had a fabulous weekend. It was another hectic week of training for me, this week. It seems that between freelance work, mom duties, and taking care of myself, there never appears to be enough time for training these days. I have found myself having to push quickly through workouts.

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Avon39 training

My Journey to the Avon 39: Training Week 8

Hello, wonderful readers! I hope you had a wonderful week this past week. Things here are moving onwards and upwards regarding fundraising and training. Like I mentioned last week, I have reached my fundraising goal to allow me to participate in the Avon 39 but I am still accepting donations (Click HERE to donate now).

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training week 7

Avon 39 Training Week 7

Happy Sunday everyone. Well, I have some fantastic news to report. After just 40 days of training and fundraising, I have officially raised the $1800 required to participate in the 2-day walk in July! Yay! I am SO excited. But, I am not finished yet, I want to continue raising money because I believe that […]

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Training Week 6

Hello, beautiful people. Welcome back to another week of my Avon 39 training. This week was quite the week, let me tell you. Besides increasing my mileage by A LOT, I also was dealing with entertaining out of town guests. At the beginning of the week, I felt great but fatigue and soreness have caught […]

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training week 5 charity walk

AVON 39: Training Week 5

I always find it amazing how I can never predict how the week is going to go on Sunday. I have it planned out in my head how I would like for the training week to unfold but it always has to be tweaked some way or another. I think the trick with maintain a […]

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training avon 39

AVON 39 Training Week 4

This week was a little hectic because my teenager had all sorts of things going on. She is a swimmer, and with that, she had yet another swim meet. This swim meet was farther out than any of her other meets have been so I had to adjust my weekly training schedule to accommodate for […]

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AVON 39 training log

AVON 39 Training

  When I registered for the AVON 39, I knew I was taking on a serious and but very important challenge. I’m feeling strong today. I’m on my mission to jumpstart my training and fundraising for my AVON 39 The Walk to End Breast Cancer. I’ve been training to walk the entire 39.2 miles! So, […]

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AVON 39 Training Week 3

This week started out a little hokey. While writing the dates on my training calendar Sunday evening, I realized that I was using the wrong one. Oh my goodness, was I relieved. I have been walking since November as a way to help lose the baby weight so I am no stranger to the endurance […]

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AVON 39 Training Weeks 1 & 2

I am combining week one and two because I started “officially” marathon training before I had completely convinced myself to join the AVON 39 The Walk to End Breast Cancer. But since I was training, I will count it. I have been debating which marathon training program to use since thinking about doing the AVON 39. […]

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