Virtual Camino de Santiago

Camino de Santiago Virtual Fitness Challenge: Weeks 5-8

Hi everyone! I’m so sorry it’s been so long since I last updated you on the Virtual Camino de Santiago challenge, I’ve been doing with Conqueror Fitness Challenges. This month has been a whirlwind. Between birthdays, a makeup First Penance, a makeup First Communion, and Independence Day, it has been super busy. But I continue […]

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Walking the Camino de Santiago virtually. This challenge helps you create a SMART goal and achieve it!

I’m Walking the Camino de Santiago…Virtually

Over the weekend, I decided I needed something to motivate and inspire me to keep moving– A virtual challenge. Earlier this year, I had decided to train for and walk in the Komen 3 Day walk for breast cancer research since I had trained and walked in the Avon 39 a few years ago (Check […]

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