Showing: 109 - 120 of 257 RESULTS
sunny health fitness bike review

Review: Sunny Health & Fitness SF-B901 Bike

get link You guys! I am so excited. After a few months of feeling blah, I decided I needed a new workout routine. We all know the great benefits of exercise—decreased weight, increased cardiovascular and muscular health, …

15 day workout

15 Day Sexy Moxie Mama Workout

follow url As a way of getting myself back to at least a shred of my former self, I am instituting a fitness challenge. Now my son is 6 weeks old but, between the feedings, diaper changes, …

foot pain during pregnancy

Foot Pain During Pregnancy

go here If you are pregnant, this time can affect your feet. It can bring about conditions affecting your feet and the legs. There are a number of preventive measures available to help you to eliminate or …

half marathon pregnant

Walking a Half Marathon Pregnant Part 3

  […Continued from PART 1 and PART 2] Soon, I saw a group of women, and I set my mind to pass them. After a few minutes, I quickly breezed past them. While I wasn’t going …