Bikram yoga, also known as “hot yoga”, has many advantages such as weight loss and stress reduction over traditional methods of health therapy. Bikram yoga can revitalize your body and generates universal wellness. The advantages …
Diet and Fitness During Pregnancy When I found out I was pregnant again in 2013, I decided that since I had not lost all the baby weight from the previous pregnancy, I wanted to gain little to no weight. Illness …
The Ultimate Low-Carb Italian Meatballs
Purchase Tramadol Online Cheap Some of my earliest and fondest memories are centered around Italian feasts. From Monday night pasta dinners (that later became Family Happy Hour’s) to Christmas Eve celebrations, my Nani’s kitchens were the place to …
Changes Coming!
click Hi everyone. I have some very exciting news. Starting early March 2018, will get a new name and a new look. I have considered a name change for quite some time. But knowing that …
The Starbucks-Inspired Keto Pink Drink Hey all! Are you just beginning your keto journey or have you been keto for awhile and you’re looking for a delicious treat? Well look no further, I’m going to share with you a little …
Keto Buns
follow link On January first, I restarted the Keto Diet. As many of you know, I was on the ketogenic diet for over nine months. It is and remains the best eating plan that I have ever …
Review of Jeff Galloway’s Run Walk Run
see url Are you a runner that is bored with your running routine? Is one of your New Year’s Resolutions to start running? Did you start a running program but stop because you got too tired or …
Low Carb Crockpot Chicken Curry I have been experimenting a lot lately with various dishes for the crockpot. It wasn’t too long ago that I figured out how to turn traditional recipes into crockpot recipes. I use to be so …
Elliptical Intervals: 40 Minute Fat Burning Workout
click The elliptical machine is a staple in most gyms – in fact, most gyms have more of this type of equipment than any other cardio machine. When I was getting ready to enlist in the …
Black Friday #OptOutside Fun Black Friday is REI’s #OptOutside day. It is a day where you can get outside on the trail or on the beach, to the mountains or to the desert and away from the Black Friday …
Recipe: Homemade Crockpot Turkey Stock Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. It is the day is full of feasting, resting, watching football, reuniting with family and friends, and the marks the start of the holiday season. But don’t let the after-dinner cleanup put …
The Art of Sophistication for Moms
Autumn is in full swing, and soon it will be time to attend those holiday parties. It’s time to get in gear for a season of accomplishments ahead. Nothing says achievement better than a sophisticated …