Spicy Wasabi Vinaigrette

  Being on the Whole30 has made eating out  is very interesting. Finding compliant meals takes a little ingenuity at the very least. Having followed a Paleo lifestyle for some time before beginning Whole30, I am accustomed to spotting compliant and non-compliant foods on a menu. It is safe to say, the safest meals to […]

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shrimp recipe

One-Skillet Whole30 Mediterranean Shrimp Recipe

If you’re following the Whole30 eating plan or just watching you carbs, you know how challenging Meatless Monday’s or Fish Friday’s can be. Now, it does not have to be so difficult. Here is a recipe for an amazing one skillet Mediterranean shrimp dish that will have you begging for seconds.

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Chomps Snack Sticks

Healthy Snacking with Chomps Snack Sticks

So I’m 19 days into my current Whole 30 Challenge, over halfway there! Whoo-hoo! If you don’t know, the Whole30 is a nutritional plan intended to repair your metabolism, your digestive tract, your immune system, and kick start your wellness by eliminating foods that may have a negative impact on your health.  And I’m doing […]

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kale berry meal replacement smoothie

Kale Berry Meal Replacement Smoothie

Before this pregnancy, I wasn’t really obsessed with whole foods. In fact, I’m pretty sure if I wasn’t on a diet of some sort, I never paid to mind how beneficial our food that we eat is to our total health. Today I am all about using foods as not only as part of the […]

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Whole30 Paleo ranch

Yummy Whole30 Ranch Dressing

The other day I told you how to make Easy Homemade Mayonnaise that is both Whole30 and Paleo approved. I love this mayo so much. I have been able to make tuna salad, egg salad, chicken salad, and a host of other goodies since I made my first batch. Since then, I have been experimenting […]

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pregnant whole30

The Whole30 Pregnancy

Happy New Year, everyone! Wow, I cannot believe that it is already 2016. For me, a new year always comes a new resolution to better myself mentally, spiritually, professionally, and most importantly— physically. We recently found out that we are expecting our FOURTH child. While my mind was thinking about our precious gift, my body […]

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whole 30 drumsticks recipe

The Best Baked Drumsticks – Whole 30

A little over a month ago, my husband and I decided to try a new eating plan. My career as a blogger and freelance medical writer was starting to take a toll on me, and I was ready to feel healthier and more energetic. We had tried eating plans in the past. Our most recent […]

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32 Amazing Paleo Recipes

I often get asked if I have any recipes on the blog that are Paleo or Gluten-Free. This past year, I have ventured and dabbles in  both “eating plan” worlds. I have tried and created some recipes that were good, and some that were down right amazing. When I write about recipes on  this blog, […]

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Easy Crock Pot Ham and Pineapple

I love quick and easy just like the next person. This is probably why I use the crockpot as much as I do. I remember my mom using an old orange one when I was a kid. So, when I became an adult (with my own kitchen), I made sure that I had a crock […]

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Yummy Paleo Waffles

I woke up this morning with a hankering for waffles. The truth be told, I have not been eating very paleo lately. I know that when I eat paleo I feel so much better mentally and physically but it is very difficult to restart once you take a detour (don’t take that detour). So I […]

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