Dear Friends and Family: It has been a long year. Primaries. Conventions. Debates. “Scandals.” Polls. Voting. And now, finally, the election is over. Donald Trump is president elect. The Republicans now control all the branches government. …
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Happy Voting Day
go to site Hi friends! It’s voting day and if you’re anything like me, you’re ready for this political season to be OVER already. I keep hearing that this is “the most important election of our lifetime.” This …
watchWisdom Wednesday: Discrimination
source site Welcome to another edition of Wisdom Wednesday. Typically I write about virtues that we strive to become such as tolerance, integrity, and sincerity to name a few. You can read more about past Wisdom Wednesday ……Listen Up! Lessons from Ferguson I usually do not post overly political posts on this blog. I try to keep the majority of my content here light and fresh. But the ongoing events in Ferguson, Missouri have had me anxious …