Showing: 85 - 96 of 105 RESULTS

New Year’s Eve Braided Pretzels

go site Well, New Year’s Eve is upon us once again. 2013 was such an eventful and exciting year. I am looking forward to all the wonderful things that 2014 has to offer. Do you have a …

The Best Frozen Pumpkin Pie Smoothie EVER

go here It is that time of year again for all things pumpkin pie spice related. Even Starbuck’s has a pumpkin pie latte. But, with these yummy treats comes loads of calories, fat, and carbohydrates that are …


Sexy Moxie Mama’s Slow Cooker Pork Chops

Since the time change last weekend, I feel like I don’t have as much time during the day for things that I enjoy–this includes making dinner. That is where my slow cooker comes into play. …