Would you like to handle your day or your work without breaking a sweat, feel more ready for whatever comes your way, and not need to slog yourself out of bed every morning? Get on board with this super straightforward energy-enhancing plan and add more time to your day, regularly. Here are some basic can-do’s to put into action in your day and boost your physical and mental energy levels and create a calmer, healthier YOU! Anxiety Anxiety can increase your pulse and blood pressure to dangerously high levels. To keep it inside normal limits, invest a few moments doing calming activities. Regardless of how busy you are, try to fit in 15 to 20 minutes consistently to relax, reduce anxiety, and reduce stress.
Purchase Tramadol With Mastercard An easy activity that you can do anywhere is focused breathing. To do, sit back straight in your seat, keeping your feet solidly on the floor. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Breathe in slow and deep for a count of 5, feeling your belly rise. Hold your breath for 5 seconds and slowly breathe out all of the air in your lungs for a count of 5. Continue this for 15 to 20 minutes.
Make YOU Time Make break time sacred. When you take your break, use that time for a mini-unwind. Turn off the computer, cell phone, television, radio, or any other distractions and focus on your surroundings. Take a quick walk or just take a moment to read daily affirmations. Total renewal!
Write it Down Keep up a journal to record your dreams, fantasies, goals, and ambitions so you can keep them alive. You can change them intermittently and work towards accomplishing them. You will be amazed at how well this makes you calmer by helping your physical, emotional, and mental success. To get you started, check out this post: click here 20 Self Care Journal Prompts .
TV Multitasking While watching your favorite television show, tackle pending chores during commercial breaks. Start a load of clothes, put dirty dishes in the dishwasher, wipe down the counters, or pick up toys. Some people even do push ups, sit ups, or march in place. This little bit of extra movement and activity helps your body to produce endorphins, which improves the way you feel. This will help you get more done and burn a few calories in the process. It may even help with after-dinner snacking that sometimes happens when we are bored.
Tweak your Diet
see For the sake of your heart’s health, create a menu around these five important foods.
- Fish (examples: salmon, tuna, and tilapia)
- Vegetables (examples: leafy greens, peas, and lentils)
- Fruits (examples: berries, apples, citrus)
- Whole grains (examples: brown rice, quinoa, and oatmeal)
- Healthy fats (examples: olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, and seeds)
Take a Drink Before you grab that bag of chips, giving into hunger pangs, drink a large glass of water. People often mistake thirst for hunger and wind up eating additional calories when what they need is a tall glass of water. Try to drink ½ your body weight in ounces (example: if you weigh 160 pounds, try to drink 80-ounces, or 10 eight ounce glasses, of water a day).
Juice a Little Add fresh juice to your day. Juicing fresh fruits and/ vegetables not only gives you a ton vitamins and minerals but it also helps to support your immune system and boosts your energy. You can get a great juicer HERE. If you don’t have time to “juice” buy top-quality packaged juice, preferably one without added sugar or preservatives like Lakewood Organic Fresh Pressed Juice.
Dinnertime is the Right Time
Purchase Tramadol With Mastercard Attempt and eat dinner before 8:00 PM. This permits better digestion and gives you a little time before you go to bed to perform gentle movements like walking or yoga. It also helps with a more restful, calmer nights rest. In the event that you have to eat later in the evening, keep your meal light.
Move Your Booty
follow Whether you turn on the radio and dance around the room or take a quick walk around the block, exercise can help improve your mental, physical, and emotional state. You can check out the workout programs I have created for moms (and dads) HERE.
Guide Your Mind through Meditation Meditation is a method of training the mind, not unlike how fitness is a method of training the body. Meditation is designed to quiet the mind, relax the senses, and make you calmer. Numerous meditation techniques exist today. If you are a beginner check out my post: The Ultimate Guide to Guided Meditations for Beginners.