Have you ever felt self-conscious at the gym? With all the toned and beautiful people, I know I have had my share of feeling “not so cute” at the gym. What about thinking that you don’t feel or smell “fresh” after a long, hard workout? If you’re saying “me, me, me,” then this post is for you.

This fresh DIY gym spritzer is cheap, easy to create, and a must-have for those of us up in the gym working on our fitness!  This spritzer can be used for anything from covering up sweaty odor to freshening up your gym bag. Seriously, it’s a lifesaver.

DIY Gym Spritzer Uses

Lady odor. I use this spritzer for my underarms and other areas that sweat a lot.  This helps to freshen up without using unhealthy store-bought perfumed sprays and deodorants.  It’s also great if you are trying to detox from chemicals found in common hygiene products. 

Anti-bacterial. Tea tree oil is known for its anti-bacterial anti-fungal properties. This spritzer will kill bacteria on your face, back, and body.  Spritzing this spray on your skin can help keep skin breakouts away.  Plus, essential oils like peppermint and rosemary can help you to feel cool during your workout!

Equipment cleaner. Before they bought the expensive mat cleaners, my gym used a similar spray as this to clean gym equipment and yoga mats.  They used it because this combination of essential oils works wonders for eliminating germs. Plus, it’s more effective then wiping down machines and mats with cleaning cloths.  A little spritz pre-workout will freshen and sterilize your machine or mat for your workout.

Gym bag deodorizer. Have you ever forgotten your dirty workout clothes in your gym bag? YUCK! Well, this spritzer is great for eliminating those nasty gym bag smells!  Spray this gym spritzer into your gym bag, on your shoes, or even on your heartrate monitor strap (yeah let’s not forget about those) for a quick freshness boost that’ll keep unpleasant odors away and destroy any persistent germs.

Have you ever felt self-conscious at the gym? With all the toned and beautiful people, I know I have had my share of feeling “not so cute” at the gym. What about thinking that you don’t feel or smell “fresh” after a long, hard workout? If you’re saying “me, me, me,” then this post is for you.

DIY Gym Spritzer Ingredients

Start with a base for your spitzer. When it comes to DIY essential oil sprays, most are water-based. This is because water dispenses easily from a spray bottle. However, you can also used isopropyl alcohol, witch hazel, or oil’s like almond or coconut oil!

For this recipe, I chose witch hazel because it has a clean, light scent and it is antibacterial and antiseptic.

When choosing the essential oils for this spritzer, I chose oils that were known for their antibacterial, antiviral, or antiseptic properties.  For my spritzer, I chose peppermint oil for its cooling effects; lavender for its fresh scent and calming assets; eucalyptus to keep my airways clear;  and lemon and tea tree for their antibacterial and antifungal properties.

DIY Gym Spritzer Recipe


  • 25 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil (get it HERE)
  • 25 drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil (get it HERE)
  • 10 drops Peppermint Essential Oil (get it HERE)
  • 10 drops of Lavender Essential Oil (get it HERE)
  • 10 drops of Lemon Essential Oil (get it HERE)
  • 1 oz. Witch Hazel (Get it HERE)
  • 2 oz. Water


  1. In a 4 oz. dark colored GLASS spray bottle (get it HERE), combine all of your essential oils
  2. Cap your bottle and give it a good shake
  3. Measure and pour in 1 oz. of witch hazel
  4. Measure and pour in 2 oz. of water
  5. Cap your bottle and shake again.
  6. Enjoy!

Note: Keep these oils in a dark glass spray bottle in a cool, dark place for best results.  Avoid spraying this DIY Gym Spray in your eyes, mouth, nose, and private areas.  

This DIY fresh gym spritzer is cheap, easy to create, and a must-have for those of us up in the gym working on our fitness! This spray can be used for anything from covering up sweaty odor to freshening up your gym bag. Seriously, it’s a lifesaver.

DISCLAIMER: Information on The Moxie Mama is not intended to be substituted for the advice of your health care professional. Use at your own risk.