Eating Paleo? Trying Whole30? Embracing the Keto Diet? If you answered yes to any of these questions than do I have a treat for you. Earlier this week, I was searching for a sweet treat to cure my sweet craving that seemed to come out of nowhere. I have been eating a very clean diet with no cheats for about 40 days at this point. Call it PMS or just my love of chocolate, I just couldn’t shake my cravings for cocoa! Then I remembered a great recipe that I came up with a few years ago while eating Paleo. I was pleasantly surprised to find that other ways of eating (WOE) also use these ingredients together to help curb cravings and increase healthy fats into the diet. So, if you’re wanting an amazing treat, check out this easy Keto fat bomb chocolate pudding. It’s basically just a smooth fat bomb in a bowl. But just a little bit of this silky goodness will give you a healthy dose of good fat and hit the spot on that pesky chocolate craving.
enter site This recipe calls for just five (5) ingredients: cocoa powder, coconut oil, raw almond or peanut butter, instant coffee, and a drop or two of liquid stevia (optional). Just mix them all together until smooth and then chill for five minutes. Excellent!
click here [yumprint-recipe id=’49’]Easy Keto Fat Bomb Chocolate Pudding