Often, during periods of discomfort, we feel the Universe has cursed us. It may appear that there is no hope in sight, and no hope for ensuing assistance.

But as we focus on our suffering that was endured confidently, we can see the benefit in how it grew, and later we understand the reason for our suffering, fully nurtured character benefits appear.

If not for suffering we would have no real growth, no alteration of character. In fact, without struggle, there is no change.

The Universe is constantly testing and moving us, through our conditions, to challenge us to become a better person, or a more plentiful life. Without our craving such a blessing, none will be granted to us.

We must seek out ways to better ourselves and humanity through our bravery and willingness to be moved and challenged.

Don’t be afraid of failure. Be afraid of not having the courage to even try. Everything you desire is on the other side of your fear. Be Brave!