source url Hi friends! It’s voting day and if you’re anything like me, you’re ready for this political season to be OVER already. I keep hearing that this is “the most important election of our lifetime.” This is true!  There are many important issues on the ballot this election. From marijuana legislation to entire government overhaul.

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go site While you may feel that none of the issues are important or none of the candidates deserve your vote because you’re tired of the same ol’ politics, I ask that you look past that. Remember, voting is the voice of the people. You’re not only voting for yourself but also for your family and those that can’t vote. 


follow link So, if you’re registered to vote please learn about the national candidates as well as those in your own town. is a great tool to learn about the candidates running for office as well as important propositions/issues in your community. The Voting Information Project is another great website that offers your official voting information like polling place and ballot information. Happy Voting!