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click here Being a mom, whether you are a stay-at-home mom or a working mom, can take a huge toll on your mind, body, and soul. Regardless if you have one or 10 kids, there are days where you really need a breather from all that goes on in your daily life.

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https://tudiabetesbajocontrol.com/relanzam/order-valium-sweden.php Occasionally we all get the blues from the tug-o-war of professional and personal responsibilities. I like to call this the “mom funk”. When you have the “mom funk” it really is hard to know what to do to pull yourself back up.


http://geoffnotkin.com/laygu/buy-cheap-diazepam-from-india.php Here is a list of effective methods that you can do to rejuvenate yourself when you just need a few minutes and to help you to refocus on what is important to you in your life. Don’t expect yourself to tackle this list suddenly. That would just add another stress to your life. Read over this list and decide the areas that the most importance to you at this time. Strive to accomplish these areas first and then move on to other areas.

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Write it Out

watch Sometimes it is great to express your stress with someone. Oftentimes we do not want to burden others with our “mommy issues”. Journaling is a great way to get these feelings and stresses that are bothering you off of your chest. Writing it down is very therapeutic to the mind and soul. Better yet-blog about it! Many of the awesome blogs started as a means for the author to write out their feelings.


Check your Self-Image

https://tvnordestevip.com/g5ddjdqqyw View yourself as gorgeous, attractive, smart, and compassionate. Having a positive self-image is not only good for your soul but you will send out that influence to others, including your impressionable children.

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Positive Attitude

get link Work on creating a positive attitude towards your responsibilities and your life in general. You will feel more in-control, happy, and you will exude a high amount of self-confidence. Start by seeing your stresses and problems as conquerable challenges that you can learn from.


Be Around Positive People

go site Connect with positive and successful people that share the same interests as you. Cheerfulness and achievement are infectious. If you are a stay-at-home mom struggling with day-to-day tasks, meet up with other stay-at-home moms either in person or via the internet, to bounce your thoughts off of. You will be surprised how many people feel or have felt the same way you do. Not only will you get great tips, you will also meet some amazing people.


Decrease Stress

https://www.mssbizsolutions.com/z06p0iyqbt7 Easing tension can help personal and professional stresses seem less. You can alleviate stress via relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga. Daily aerobic exercise also helps to reduce stress and increase energy.

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Eat a Healthy Diet

https://opponix.com/4mt8r0ws Choose to eat healthy, whole foods. Eating healthy gives you energy to tackle everyday problems. Choose natural and preservative-free dairy, protein, fruit/vegetables, and grains. Here is a list of https://hereisnewyorkv911.org/p54yskt whole foods. Limit your alcohol and caffeine intake. Alcohol can make you feel slow-moving; too much caffeine can produce anxiety and irritability.


Prioritize Your To-Do List

https://osteopatiaamparoandres.com/dccxq0g51pr Discover how to set priorities by saying, “no” to unnecessary activities. A lot of women have a hard time with this one. Setting priorities is a method of intentionally making a decision about which matters on your long to-do list are more important. It implies that some things are more important to others and ought to be placed higher on the to-do list. For example, if your family has had little family time due to hectic extracurricular schedules, it would be better to spend quality family time than to attend a PTA meeting (unless of course you are running that PTA meeting).