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About Hi my name is Christina and here is little history about me. For 10 years I was a single mom to the best kid a mom could ask for. I learned everything from making a budget to getting the best bargain for my money to juggling work, family, fitness, and fun.

Valium Cheapest Price I had my stuff together, I was an independent woman. I paid my own bills, I had my own house, my own car, my own diamonds (like the Destiny’s Child song goes). I had a good education and had really made something of myself. I had a PTA degree from the Air Force, a BA in Communications, my Personal Trainer Certification, and I wasn’t finished yet. I had just decided to go back and get my Master’s Degree when, in 2009, I met the man of my dreams, my husband.

Cheapest Valium Online I finished that Master’s Degree and we married in 2011 (within 2 weeks of each other too) and immediately, yet surprisingly, got pregnant. You can imagine my surprise when I realized I was pregnant. I had finally found a rhythm with raising my 11 year old daughter but, that the whole “mommy thing” to a newborn was completely foreign to me. It was as if I was having my first child all over again from conception all the way until, well now. I was scared, anxious, excited, happy, and sad all rolled up into a little bundle.

Buy Valium 2Mg Uk On March 2012, we welcomed our first child, a son. Soon after the delivery I realized, I’m not sure I’m ready for this. My body had stretched to limits that I did not even know possible, my eating habits were horrible (thanks to dear son), I had no clothes that fit, my hair and skin looked horrid, and I felt like the living dead from all the 2 am feedings. I was a mere shadow of my former self. I was at complete and total servitude to this baby boy. In 2013, I did it all over again. This time with baby girl #2! In 2015 we moved across the country to California and in June 2016 welcomed baby girl #3! This blog is my attempt to get myself, and my new found mommy friends back into shape physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Thank you for stopping by. I welcome all questions, suggestions, criticism, praise, money, fame, book deals, home-cooked meals, or just comments. May this blog help you find the The  Moxie Mama (or Papa) that is inside of you! God Bless.

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Cheapest Tramadol Online Uk Advertising/Site Sponsorship: accepts advertising/site sponsorship. Please see: go here Guest/Sponsored Post Guidelines. Contact Tramadol Cheap Cod [email protected] for additional pricing information. follow url Underwritten Post/Series: Sponsor an in-depth, topic specific post written by Christina.  These high quality posts generally receive continuing attention on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest and are always optimized for great search engine results.  Please refer to the Guest/Sponsored Post Guidelines. Contact get link [email protected] for additional pricing information.

Cheap Tramadol Uk follow site Freelance Writing:  Christina is available for both single and regular freelance writing assignments.  She writes on a wide variety of topics, from fitness and health to homemaking, frugal living, parenting, and motivation. Tramadol 100Mg Buy Online Check out my portfolio HERE .

source Other opportunities:  Christina is happy to work with your company in new and exciting ways to build a mutually beneficial relationship.  She has a proven track record of success with the companies she has written for, and is open to “innovative” ideas.

click Buy Diazepam 10Mg India This blog is solely written and edited by Christina Bhattacharya and all opinions expressed on this blog are her own. She gives  full disclosure  on all forms of paid advertising and giveaways.


  1. watch My brother and his wife had their first child last December, and they have allowed me to be a big part of my nephew’s life. I have a newfound respect for all parents, and I have to tip my hat to any single parent. It can be tough enough with two parents, so I can only guess what it is like for a single parent. I was really happy to read that you got married.

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    1. Thank you for the comment. Single parenting can be challenging without the proper support. I am lucky to have had great family, friends, and coworkers who supported me.

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    see url Congratulations on staying determined and putting your focus into an entrepreneurial angle. Thank you for the post on the baby food ideas..I definitely need to try those. I never thought of blending the kale into the fruits! What a great idea and natural boost of iron for them. Keep it up!!

    1. Thank you for reading my blog. It would be my pleasure to be highlighted on your blog. In return, I will place your blog URL in my links list (which gets a lot of traffic) for others to visit you. Thank you again. ~Christi

  3. Heather Elsayed says:

    Hey there! I just happened to come across your blog because I am always looking for healthy homemade foods for baby food. Ones that we can incorporate even into adult meals/snacks. have recently started a blog myself, (very beginning stages), maybe in the future I can feature you and your blog?? How ironic it is I did it for the same reasons you did, and our children share the same exact birthday 03/27/12 and 13 months later welcomed our second!

    Congratulations on staying determined and putting your focus into an entrepreneurial angle. Thank you for the post on the baby food ideas..I definitely need to try those. I never thought of blending the kale into the fruits! What a great idea and natural boost of iron for them. Keep it up!!

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