Tramadol Online Overnight Mastercard Thank you for considering for your Guest/Sponsored Post. Please read the following guidelines and requirements carefully.
Guest Posts Guidelines Bloggers/Freelance Writers If you’re guest post is for a website that is your personal mommy (or daddy) blog or you are a reader that wants to share a story, please refer to this section:
- Guest post must be 350-500 words in length. The post will be written by you.
- The post must be about parenting, family matters, personal fitness, healthy recipes, etc – something that fits with this blog.
- I will not accept posts that are self promotional or have a sales tone to them.
- You may include 1 link (Maximum) within the post.
- You MUST include a short, 1-2 sentence author bio including a maximum of 1 anchor text link to your own website (if applicable).
- Your link will stay live for 1 year on but it will be a NO-FOLLOW link.
- Your post MUST be original content and pass copyscape. It CANNOT be posted anywhere else.
- You CANNOT republish your guest post to your own blog after it has been posted on, but please feel free to link to the post and share it on all of your social media channels.
- I reserve the right to edit or adapt your guest post content as I see fit. Valium Online Canada Cost: $50.00.Posted on Sundays at my discretion.
follow url Sponsored/Commercial/Non Blogger Posts If your guest post is for a website that is not a personal mommy/daddy blog then the following applies
- Guest post must be 400-500. It can be written either by you or me.
- You can include 2 links per 400 words. $5 per link thereafter.
- All links are NOFOLLOW— no exception.
- ALL sponsored posts will include a disclosure statement at the bottom of the post stating they are sponsored—no exception.
- The sponsored post MUST be original content and cannot be posted elsewhere. It also must pass copyscape.
- You CANNOT republish your sponsored post anywhere else after it has been posted on, but please feel free to link to the post and share it on all of your social media channels.
- I reserve the right to edit or adapt your guest post content as I see fit.
follow get link Cost:$250.00 and written/posted within 1 month of acceptance. Sponsored/Commercial Infographics
go here If your guest infographic is for a website or company that is not a personal mommy/daddy blog then the following applies
- Guest guest infographic post must be minimum size of 403 x 403 pixels, and a maximum up to 2048 x 2048 pixels.
- Your infographic can include ONE (1) link.
- All links are NOFOLLOW— no exception.
- ALL sponsored infographics posts will include a disclosure statement at the bottom of the post stating they are sponsored—no exception.
- The sponsored/commercial infographic MUST be original content and cannot be posted elsewhere.
- You CANNOT republish the post that includes the sponsored/commercial infographic anywhere else after it has been posted on, but please feel free to link to the post and share it on all your social media channels.
- I reserve the right refuse infographic content as I see fit. Cost:$100.00 and written/posted within 1 month of acceptance.
How to Submit Your Post
- Please email see url your completed post with links and any pictures that you would like included in your posts to Valium Online Store info[at]themoxiemama[dot]com. If you do not include a picture, one will be chosen for you.
- PLEASE write the title of the post at the top of the email followed by the post in the body of the email.
- No attachments will be accepted. Please include URL for all hyperlinks.
- If your post meets editorial standards and aligns with direction of this blog, I will respond to let you know your article will be published. This process can take up to 2 weeks.
Purchasing Tramadol I reserve the right to reject any guest post offer.
Please Note: It is violation of federal law for paid links to be listed without informing my readers. The FTC is cracking down on violators of this law. If you want a Facebook like or a Tweet as an entry requirement, you must create a giveaway and Rafflecopter.
Can I do a post about mystery shopping for you? It goes well with your 10 jobs a sahm can do. Hit me up via email if interested. Thanks :)