Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 RESULTS
Probiotics Why They're So Important for Our Health

Probiotics: Why They’re So Important for Our Health

Recent research shows that probiotics are important to good health. They have impact many vital body functions and are the secret to the anti-aging process. Many people take a multi-vitamin each day as a preventative. …

probiotics food probiotics benefits

Probiotics: Food and Supplement Sources

A couple of years ago I wrote about the importance of probiotics on our health. Since then I have experimented with various strains of probiotics to find the one that best suits my body. Many …

7 Healthy Habits to Keep Illness Away sponsored

7 Healthy Habits to Keep Illness Away

Cold and flu season is almost here again. For the most part, our immune systems do an extraordinary job of helping us defend against disease-causing germs. While it can seem challenging to get through an …


Probiotic Review: Hyperbiotics PRO-15

You may have noticed a lot of talk in the media or online about the importance of probiotics in our modern diets. You may have even tried a brand or two. Probiotics are the “healthy …