The Benefits of Barefoot Walking for Kids


Remember when you were a child walking barefoot through the warm summer grass or on a warm beach? It is hard not to feel nostalgic when you think about kicking off your shoes and feeling the earth under your feet. Our ancestors throughout history walked barefoot or had other direct contact with the Earth. In fact, one-fifth of the world’s population today do not wear shoes.

Did you know there are actually a lot of good reasons to encourage your children to walk barefoot outside as much as possible? Going barefoot is good for each of us, but it is especially beneficial for fast growing toddlers and kids to go without shoes.

Our feet contain a complex network of nerves and acupuncture points and are particularly capable of absorbing free electrons from the earth’s surface. This practice is called barefoot medicine, also known as “earthing”. Walking barefoot is one of the most straightforward, easiest, and cheapest ways to keep kids healthy.

Now that the weather has gotten warmer, I encourage my  three, six, and eight year-old kids to walk around barefoot in the backyard pretty much constantly, as I am always doing. We do not wear shoes in our home, so we are accustomed to walking barefoot indoor. Walking barefoot outdoors has become our new norm.

Walking barefoot on the soil, grass, sand, or any natural surface gets our feet in direct contact with the Earth. Besides being quite relaxing, walking barefoot has many health benefits for kids.

Increases balance and strength

By feeling the ground uninhibited by shoes, kids start waking up their vestibular system, or balance system, in the brain. This helps to invigorate new neural connections for greater balance. Additionally, by going barefoot, kids begin to awaken new muscles used for balance and support.

Promotes healthy posture

​Walking and playing barefoot promotes a healthy posture in kids. Allowing your children to walk barefoot improves their posture by providing better communication of sensory information through the nerve endings in the bottom of their feet, their legs, and to the rest of their body.

Promotes healthy feet

​Health begins in our feet. Letting kids run around barefoot helps the foot to grow naturally and to improve its musculature and strength, in addition to the clenching actions of toes. This is especially in babies just learning to walk. Walking barefoot can also condition your child’s feet for future barefoot sports such as ballet, gymnastics, and martial arts.

Stimulates the brain

Walking barefoot and the act of feeling the ground helps to strengthens kids senses;  reduces stress and tension; improves memory, focus, concentration, and intelligence; and improves sleep.

Tips for barefoot walking

  1. Examine the area where your kids will be walking or playing to ensure there are no safety hazards that can hurt their feet such as sharp rocks, hidden toys, or other sharp or protruding objects.
  2. Wash your kids feet after they have been walking or playing barefoot outside to decrease dirt and germs in your home.
  3. Don’t let kids go barefoot if they have cuts or open sores on the soles of their feet. This is a common entryway for germs/fungi.