AVON39 Hello, beautiful people. Welcome back to another week of my Avon 39 training. This week was quite the week, let me tell you. Besides increasing my mileage by A LOT, I also was dealing with entertaining out of town guests. At the beginning of the week, I felt great but fatigue and soreness have caught up with me by late week. If you read anything about my training last year, you know that I dealt with unrelenting plantar fasciitis pain while training for the half marathon. Luckily this year I am not dealing with feet issues. But, I have been dealing with muscle soreness.

go to link It has been recommended by a few Keto Athletes that I know to change up my shoes and to add electrolytes to my training. Such simple yet complicated measures for walking. But endurance walking is an activity that needs to be treated like any other endurance sport. So, I bought myself a new pair of shoes. Well, I actually bought them a couple of weeks ago, but I tried them out for the first time this week. I am an extreme over-pronator and I have very “flexible” (as my podiatrist called them last year when I saw him for the unrelenting plantar fasciitis pain) arch. I have been wearing Brooks Ravenna, which I purchased earlier this year because, well, they were cheap on Amazon. But with longer distances, I know that I need a heavier duty shoe that I could alternate with the Ravenna. It is so important not to train in just one pair of shoes.

source Sexymoxiemama Brooks
So, I was fitted for and purchased the Brooks Adrenaline GTS 17. This is their stability shoe and you can tell. Unfortunately, I think the difference in the heel-toe drop in the Adrenaline is 12 mm and the Ravenna is 10 mm. Brooks Running defines Heel-Toe Drop as  is “the difference between (midsole + outsole) heel height and (midsole + outsole) forefoot height.” While 2 mm doesn’t sound like a lot, doing too many miles in that great of a difference can cause lower extremity injuries which, I suspect, is what contributed to my first injury since November that I sustained earlier in the week —a calf strain. Luckily, I have 60 days to return the Brooks Adrenaline GTS 17 so, I am going to give it a few more days to see if my body adjusts to the changing heel-toe drop.

click The electrolytes were a little easier choosing. I had used the Cellucor Alpha Amino, which has electrolytes built in,  in the past when I was working out and lifting very heavy. They worked great but, like Cinderella, when the clock struck midnight (expiration date) these things are no good. My old container was only one month expired and the powder was hard as a rock. I wasn’t too fond of the flavor (Lemon Lime) either but I thought they would be good to try. Luck had it that the powder was so hard, I couldn’t even scoop anything out of the container so, in the trash they went. This gave me the opportunity to get a new container with a flavor that is almost always sold out but I found it online. Icy Blue Razz Alpha Aminos is the bomb! Yes, I will be using these on training walks and on walk weekend.

Tramadol Purchase Overnight This week I received a few substantial donations for my AVON 39: The Walk to End Breast Cancer fundraising efforts. This past week I petitioned 10 of my friends and family for donations of $50  and received two plus a few more from others. Overall, I have received donations totaling $1575.00! I only have $225.00 to go before I reach my $1800 fundraising goal!! Can you help me reach this goal by giving me a tax-deductible donation? Proceeds go to medical research, education programs, early detection programs, and support services for women with breast cancer in communities across the country. Your donation can help to save lives. Donate HERE: Have a great week everyone. Come back next week to hear more about my training fun. Listening to: Audiobook-  IT follow by Stephen King Total Mileage: 23.27 miles

get link Total training time: 7 hrs 36 mins

  • Sunday, March 26: 3 miles
  • Monday, March 27: 15-minute recovery walk 0.40 miles
  • Tuesday, March 28: 3 miles FAST
  • Wednesday, March 29: 30 minutes Cross Training/HIIT
  • Thursday, March 30: 3 miles MODERATE + .70 walking the dog
  • Friday, March 31:  8 miles
  • Saturday, April 1: 5 miles

Read the ENTIRE journey HERE!