Recently I’ve been learning a lot about the energy within our bodies. I had been feeling very run down lately and no amount of rest was helping me to feel better. That’s when I opened up a book I received as a gift last year and started reading about the chakras. From the base your spine to the top of your head, you can find the seven chakras. Chakras are energy wheels that run throughout your body and are the keys to our bodies. These chakras keep us active, energetic, and vibrant every day. These chakras keep us active, energetic, and vibrant every day. If ant of the seven chakras in the body becomes blocked, it can lead to physical or mental illness. So, all of these chakras need to be healthy and working together to promote a constant flow of energy to avoid imbalance.

Muladhara (Root) Chakra Located at the base of our spine above the anus. This chakra corresponds with the element earth. This is the root/foundation that supports our structure. It is the seat of our security and supplies us with our most basic and instinctual survival skills. When this center is balance, it is filled with prana and we feel secure, calm, and connected to earth. Associated with the color red.

Svadhisthana (Sacral) Chakra Located just above the genitals. This chakra corresponds with the element water, symbolizing our creative energy. This is the source of our physical, sexual, and creative energy. When this center is flowing, there is unlimited creativity and love; we are in touch with our intuitive voice, and indecision gives was to certainty. Associated with the color orange.

Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra Located at the navel and coincides with the solar plexus. It is associated with the element fire. This is where inner power is felt. It is the center of power, expression, and expansion. Turning into this center helps break up the ego and experience a deepening union of your true nature. Associated with the color yellow. From the base your spine to the top of your head, you can find the seven chakras. Chakras are energy wheels that run throughout your body. These chakras are a key source the energy in our bodies.

Anahata (Heart) Chakra Located at the heart, this chakra coincides with the cardiac and pulmonary plexus. Associated with the element air. This is the center of compassion and unconditional love. When connected to life through the heart center, love will flow like air. Associated with the green.

Vishuddha (Throat) Chakra Located in the throat, this chakra aligns with the brachial or pharyngeal plexus. Associated with the element space. This chakra is the center of abundance and is known as the doorway to liberation (jalandhara-pitha). When aligned, our speech becomes pure and we become masterful teachers and speakers. Associated with the color blue.

Ajna (Third Eye) Chakra

source link Located between the eyebrows, this chakra corresponds to the choroid plexus. The element of this center is the mind and thought. This chakra is the eye of inner awareness and is said to control incoming and outgoing thoughts. The third eye is the vertical eye of wisdom that can take us out of our physical/horizontal reality and connects us to the divinity (vertical plane). Associated with the color indigo.

Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra

Located at the top of the head, this chakra coincides with the choroid plexus/upper cerebral center. This chakra is represented a thousand-petal lotus. This is the highest chakra in location and consciousness. Meditating on this center, one experiences duality merging into oneness with universal life force. Associated with the color violet.