click walking strong training week 15Happy June! What a great feeling that summer is right around the corner. The Avon 39 is right around the corner for me as well. I am chugging along with my walking training. This week I walked more than I have ever walked before during my endurance training. Each week, as I follow this training plan, I realize that I am crushing training goals left and right.

go site This week started with a nice hike with the family in the Sierra Nevada mountains. We decided to check out The Donner Summit Train Tunnels. Despite the snow packed tunnel entrances and wet tunnels, we had a great time. But the kids had a hard time walking on the snow and were getting chilly so we didn’t get too far on that trail (about 2 miles total) but the art was amazing. We will definitely be returning to explore again once all the snow has melted. 2 walking strong training week 15 We had not gotten our hiking fix completely in so we headed over to Donner State Park. The kids love to hike so we let them get on the trail and touch nature. One cool thing, while we were there, we met a nice lady who works at Pixar. She told us a little about the upcoming “Toy Story” movie because, as luck may have it, she was looking for inspiration for a new character and my husband fit the bill. We will have to wait until 2019 to see if he made the movie, though. So exciting. When I embarked on this journey, I never thought that I would be able to walk 20 miles at one time. But this week I did it, and it wasn’t too difficult. I had to rearrange my week again this week in order to accommodate a few errands I had to run and the teen’s work schedule. I decided to perform my endurance walks on Wednesday and Thursday. The 20-mile endurance training day started rainy and cool—which is unusual for northern California in late May/Early June. I originally wanted to begin at 7 am and the weather worried me that day but decided to wait it out. I was able to get on the trail a little after 8:30 am after the rain stopped. The beginning of the walk was quite cool and overcast but by 10 am the sun burned off the clouds, and it was sunny and warm the rest of the walk. The entire walk took me 6 hours and I ended up with holy socks!

get link 3 walking strong training week 15

click My 9-mile walk, the next day, had to be performed before sunrise in order to accommodate my schedule for the day. I sort of enjoy working out while everyone is sleeping. I didn’t have to dodge cars or dog walkers or worry about getting sunburned at 4 am. Plus, it was cool enough that I could wear a short sleeved shirt and capri pants to workout in that morning. This week I also got my hot yoga (also known as Bikram Yoga) fix in. If you have never tried hot yoga, you are missing out. The past two weeks I attended quite relaxing classes in rooms that were heated to 90-100 degrees with 40% humidity. This week, I attempted Intermediate Power Flow Yoga. Wow! That class really challenged me mentally and physically. My abs are STILL sore. We ended this week with a family hike for National Trails Day. Did I tell you the kids like nature and hiking yet? Haha. We took the kids back to the very first trail we hiked on when we moved to California back in 2015. We have many great miles on this trail and this one was no different. Well, except that the kids ran straight out of the gate and practically had to be carried back to the car because they were so tired. But, at least they slept good that night. I am still trying to raise money for my Avon 39 fundraiser. Please support me by donating to my Avon 39, any little bit helps. You can read my story and donate HERE. Thank you in advance. Well, I hope that you have an amazing week. Thank you for reading.

source link Listening to: Cheapest Tramadol Next Day Delivery Audiobook-  11/22/63 by Stephen King

follow Total Mileage:   Buy Cheap Tramadol Overnight Delivery 40.96 miles

follow link Total training time: 13 hrs 37 mins

  • Sunday, May 28: Hiking 1.53 miles + 1.72 miles
  • Monday, May 29: 4 miles FAST
  • Tuesday, May 30: REST
  • Wednesday, May 31: 20.62 miles
  • Thursday, June 1: 9.01 miles
  • Friday, June 2:  63 mins HOT yoga
  • Saturday, June 3: 2.03 mile hike + 2 mile walk

Read the ENTIRE journey HERE!