Finding Bravery

Often, during periods of discomfort, we feel the Universe has cursed us. It may appear that there is no hope in sight, and no hope for ensuing assistance. But as we focus on our suffering that was endured confidently, we can see the benefit in how it grew, and later we understand the reason for […]

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9 Incredibly Simple Tips for Increasing Your Self-Motivation

Do you know how to motivate yourself to accomplish anything? Setting a goal is quite easy as we do this repeatedly throughout our daily lives. Remaining motivated to accomplish those goals, that is a different story. That is where self-motivation comes in. What is Motivation? Motivation is what presses us to accomplish goals, feel more […]

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Teaching My First Yoga Class

I taught my first public full-length Vinyasa yoga class yesterday. After a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training course, you would think I would feel ready for anything. But, I was super nervous. Our theme/intention for the yoga class was “courage.” Boy, did I ever need courage for teaching that first yoga class. I had taught privately […]

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3-Steps to Successfully Reaching Any Goal

If you have had a hard time in achieving your goals in the past, it is most likely because your method to achieving your goals has been weak. To achieve any goals, you must do more than just ‘wish’ and talk about your ambitions. A vital part of goal preparation is determining how it is […]

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pinterest where is my edge

Where Is My “Edge?”

Where do I find my edge? This is a question that has been plaguing me since I was asked this question in a yoga class. The word “edge” is defined as: “the outside limit of an object, area, or surface; a place or part farthest away from the center of something.” But in yoga, the […]

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keeping your dreams alive even when you think all is lost

5 Proven Ways to Keep Your Dreams Alive

Have you ever wondered how to keep your dreams alive when it seems like everything else is falling apart? Many people are afraid to follow their dreams and have a tendency to just resolve to live a ordinary life. We live in a culture where people are always desiring everything to happen now. Whenever something […]

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tips to success

21 Ways to Become Successful

Have you ever felt that success is out of your control? Do you ever wonder about the secrets to attracting success? For most people, success doesn’t simply happen by chance. What you do, how you think, and how you carry yourself has an enormous effect on whether you succeed or not. Below is 21 ways […]

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#IStandByYou Safety Pin Campaign

The “safety pin” symbol was inspired by the 2014 #illridewithyou movement in Australia where people offered to sit with Muslims who felt threatened on their commutes due to fear of an Islamophobic backlash after a terrorist attack in Sydney. A similar concept (#safetypin) was designed after British people and immigrants received harassment and attacks from […]

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Happy Voting Day

Hi friends! It’s voting day and if you’re anything like me, you’re ready for this political season to be OVER already. I keep hearing that this is “the most important election of our lifetime.” This is true!  There are many important issues on the ballot this election. From marijuana legislation to entire government overhaul. While […]

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