source link I woke up this morning with a hankering for waffles. The truth be told, I have not been eating very paleo lately. I know that when I eat paleo I feel so much better mentally and physically but it is very difficult to restart once you take a detour (don’t take that detour).
get linkTramadol Cheap Prices So I originally set out to make traditional waffles but that little voice in my head (the one that tells me I need to eat better and continue exercising) finally won that battle. I decided to experiment with some of the ingredients I still had on hand from when I fell off the “paleo wagon”.
source url I was a little skeptical that anything that did not have real wheat flour in it would not taste very good. Surprisingly I was very wrong. These paleo waffles are awesome. They do have a more dense texture than a traditional waffle but it’s not so much of a difference that you will want to resort to boxed waffles.
follow linkTramadol Cheap Overnight If you are just starting out on the paleo way of eating or you have been gluten free for some time, you will really enjoy these. Try them and tell me what you think. Enjoy!
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