Summer is right around the corner! The time to start getting swimsuit ready is NOW! You can get fit and fabulous in just four weeks, with a little work. This fun yet challenging workout plan …
Keeping the Legs Strong During a Running Hiatus
Runners often have pain or injuries to their hips, thighs, ankle, foot and shin. Running injuries are associated with inadequate core strength, poor flexibility and overuse. Occasionally, seasoned and beginning runners are required to take …
Is There a Normal Body Weight for Teen Girls?
Over the past 30 years, obesity in children and teens has increased rapidly. Currently over 1 in 3 children and teenagers are either classified as overweight or obese, reports the Centers for Disease Control and …
4 Amazing Gratitude Hacks for Families
Many times, we express gratitude for things we have, but how often do we honestly practice the art of gratitude? This spring, let’s use the season of new growth to begin a new tradition towards …
4 Reasons To Love Bullet Proof Coffee
Bullet Proof Coffee (BPC), also known as Butter Coffee, is a drink gaining popularity in the Paleo and ketogenic diet community for its unique capability of providing amazing amounts of focus and energy. It is …
20 Best Low Carb/ Keto Avocado Recipes
Yummy yummy in my tummy. I LOVE avocados. The avocado is a creamy green fruit that is delicious and nutritious so good for you. Characterized as a fruit, the avocado contains generous amounts of vitamins …
Turkey Avocado Rollups
Looking for a great easy and healthy snack? These turkey avocado rollups are great for on the go or at home. Packed full of healthy fats, these rolls are great if you are following a …
Homemade Gripe Water
When my baby son was just 6 week old, a visitor came to our house. This visitor was intrusive, uninvited, and irritated my son beyond belief. Nothing we did would make this visitor leave. …
Low Carb Slow Cookin’ Spicy Pork Chops
Before having children, I use to have time to work and make large dinners. They were not spectacular, elaborate, or planned meals but, they kept the family fed nonetheless. Now that I am staying home with …
100 Hot Christmas Stocking Stuffer Ideas
It is the Christmas crunch time. With only a few more shopping days left, now is the time to think about those stocking stuffers and novelty gifts. If you are anything like me, you probably …
Silent Saturday: Hope
Silent Saturday is a segment I do each week with the intention to promote inner peace and reflection. I wrote this when I was reexamining the emotion and virtue of hope. This time of year, …