source link Yesterday, after a fun yet long day of hiking and bike riding, my preschooler lost it. I mean really lost it. You know what I mean, one minute she’s calm and quiet and the next …
enter siteStep by Step: Walking the Camino de Santiago Weeks 3 and 4 These past couple of weeks have just flown by. I’ve been so busy working on the blog, working on my etsy shop (see it HERE), and training that I haven’t been able to update … Herbed Almonds Recipe
go to site I first made a version of this Keto Herbed Almonds recipe for a small family gathering a couple of years ago. I was a new mother, exhausted, and still trying to maintain some semblance of … Coconut Oil Face Scrub An amazing and inexpensive coconut oil face scrub recipe that will keep your skin clear, young, and healthy. In the past, I have written about the great uses for coconut oil. There are so many …
enter siteVirtually Walking the Camino de Santiago Training Weeks 1 & 2 Wow! It has been an amazing couple of weeks getting back out on the trails and getting in some sunshine and walking the Camino de Santiago (virtually). It has finally warmed up here so I …
enter site7 Money Saving Tips for SAHM Money seems to be one of those resources that always seem tight, no matter how much or how little money you have. There always seems to be an unlimited number of items that we need …
I’m Walking the Camino de Santiago…Virtually
Tramadol Purchase Online Over the weekend, I decided I needed something to motivate and inspire me to keep moving– A virtual challenge. Earlier this year, I had decided to train for and walk in the Komen 3 Day …
5 Tips for Seizing Your Dreams
enter Most people only talk about following their dreams. The reality is, with the aim of really catapulting your life to a higher level you must make a decision to seize your dreams. To follow your …
Super Simple Keto Pecan Pralines
go to link You may not be able to eat sugar, but you can still enjoy sweets on the keto diet. Here is one of my favorite keto candy recipes. There is nothing like old-fashioned Southern Pecan Pralines! …
Curing Diaper Rash with Homemade Tushy Cream
source url Becoming a parent is one of the greatest gifts life has to offer. From preparing for your new baby’s arrival to holding your baby in your arms. Everything seems so perfect until one day—BAM! Your …
10 Holistic Approaches to Improve Your Mood
go to link Depression can make you feel unhappy and make life feel kind of gloomy. But it doesn’t have to be this way. You can improve your mood. Even a very mild depression can affect your vibrancy, …
Toddler Activities: Simple and Low-Cost Ideas
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