Showing: 85 - 96 of 167 RESULTS
benevolence virtue quotes

Wisdom Wednesday: Benevolence

source url Good morning and happy April 1. I hope that your Wednesday is treating you well. Today I am focusing on the virtue of benevolence. Merriam-Webster defines benevolence as “disposition to do good; an act of …

humility quotes

Wisdom Wednesday: Humility

source link Good afternoon. How is your first week of Spring going? It is Wednesday again, so that means it is time for another installment of Wisdom Wednesday. This week we are focusing on the virtue of …

Persistence virtue

Wisdom Wednesday: Persistence

go to site Happy midweek, everyone! Today is Wednesday which means it is time for another edition of Wisdom Wednesday. The virtue I have chosen to discuss is one that I have been struggling with a lot lately. …