Showing: 13 - 24 of 34 RESULTS

Wisdom Wednesday: Forgiveness

see url The meaning of forgiveness is to cease the feeling of anger or bitterness towards a person or offense. It is said that in forgiving others, we are able to forgive ourselves. Basically, we must first …


Wisdom Wednesday: Zeal

Tramadol Canada Online Good morning and Happy Wednesday! Welcome to another edition of Wisdom/Virtue Wednesday. This week’s virtue is zeal. Often used in a spiritual sense, zeal normally signifies a devotion to God or other religious justifications. But, …


Wisdom Wednesday: Humor Good morning and welcome to another edition of “Wisdom Wednesday”. Each week I will post motivational quotes on various virtues. Last week’s virtue was self-sacrifice. This week’s virtue is the wonderful virtue of humor. Humor …


Wisdom Wednesday: Tact Each week I post motivational quotes on various different virtues. In the past, I called this segment “Virtue Wednesday”. But I think the more appropriate title for this segment is “Wisdom Wednesday”. What do you …


Virtue Wednesday: Resoluteness

source link Each week I post a virtue. Last week’s virtue was courage. This week’s virtue is resoluteness. Resoluteness is the quality of being firm in purpose. In the news for the past few weeks, we have …


Virtue Wednesday: Courage

Tramadol To Buy Cheap Each week I will post quotes from a different virtue. Last week’s virtue was hope. This week’s virtue is courage.  Courage is the eminence of spirit that allows you to confront pain or danger without …

Hope Quote-Albert

Virtue Wednesday: Hope

go Each week I will post quotes from a different virtue. Last week’s virtue was diligence. This week’s virtue is hope. Hope is defined as the feeling that our desires will be satisfied. Hope is trusting, …

Virtue Wednesday: Diligence

Cheapest Tramadol Uk Each week I will post quotes from a different virtue. Last week’s virtue was forbearance. This week’s virtue is diligence. Diligence is defined as the unrelenting and resolute endeavor to complete a task. Those with …

Virtue Wednesday: Love

Virtue Wednesday: Love

Each week I will post quotes from a different virtue. The last virtue I posted was Liberality. This week’s virtue is Love, in celebration of Valentine’s Day. Love is the bottomless, affectionate, overwhelming sensation of …