Showing: 13 - 24 of 36 RESULTS

My 12 Favorite Wisdom Wednesday Virtues

Each week for over a year, I have written this segment on the blog about wisdom and virtues. I believe that in our busy worlds, we need a little reminder about the virtues each of …


Wisdom Wednesday: Thrift

Good morning and welcome to another Wisdom Wednesday post. Last week we focused on selflessness. This week we turn our attention to the virtue of thrift. Thrift is the attribute of using or spending minimally. …


Wisdom Wednesday: Selflessness

Good afternoon and welcome to a (late) edition of Wisdom Wednesday. Last week we focused on discrimination and striving not to discriminate against our fellow man. This week I am going to turn the tables …


Wisdom Wednesday: Discrimination

Welcome to another edition of Wisdom Wednesday. Typically I write about virtues that we strive to become such as tolerance, integrity, and sincerity to name a few. You can read more about past Wisdom Wednesday …


Wisdom Wednesday: Meekness

  Good morning and happy Wednesday! It is midweek, and that means it is time for another edition of Wisdom Wednesday. Last week I wrote about the virtue of moderation. This week I want to …


Wisdom Wednesday: Moderation

Each week I will post quotes from a different virtue. The last virtue I posted was tolerance. This week’s virtue is moderation. Moderation is the prevention of extreme actions or opinions. Many people that tend …


Wisdom Wednesday: Tolerance

Good morning. Happy Wednesday! Welcome to Wisdom Wednesday. I hope that everyone had a wonderful Labor Day weekend. I, myself, had to work Saturday and Sunday but I was able to spend the holiday with …


Wisdom Wednesday: Integrity

  Good morning and Happy Hump Day. Now that the summer has come to an “official” close with the start of the school year, I wanted to really get back into the Wisdom Wednesday segments. …


Wisdom Wednesday: Faith

Good morning and welcome to another edition to Wisdom Wednesday! I hope that you are enjoying the last few days of the summer with family, friends, and relaxation. I took a little time off from …


Wisdom Wednesday: Bravery

Good evening and welcome to this week’s edition of Wisdom Wednesday. Last week’s post was focused on the virtue of generosity. This week’s virtue is bravery. Bravery is a characteristic of spirit that allows a …


Wisdom Wednesday: Generosity

Welcome to another addition of Wisdom Wednesday.  Today’s post is just a preview of tomorrow’s post which also focuses on generosity. Generosity  is the art of giving without expecting to receive anything in return. It …


Wisdom Wednesday: Respect

Good morning and Happy Wednesday! I hope that your week is peaceful and productive so far. Welcome to another installment of Wisdom Wednesday. Last week’s virtue was forgiveness. This week’s virtue is respect. One of …