Showing: 25 - 36 of 36 RESULTS

Wisdom Wednesday: Forgiveness

go to site The meaning of forgiveness is to cease the feeling of anger or bitterness towards a person or offense. It is said that in forgiving others, we are able to forgive ourselves. Basically, we must first …


Wisdom Wednesday: Zeal

go Good morning and Happy Wednesday! Welcome to another edition of Wisdom/Virtue Wednesday. This week’s virtue is zeal. Often used in a spiritual sense, zeal normally signifies a devotion to God or other religious justifications. But, …


Wisdom Wednesday: Devotion

enter site Happy Wednesday! How is your week going? Welcome to another publication of Wisdom/Virtue Wednesday. Last week’s virtue was gentleness. This week’s virtue is devotion. Devotion is the virtue that encompasses the spirit of loyalty. Devotion …


Wisdom Wednesday: Creativity

Buy Diazepam China Happy Hump Day! Welcome to another edition of Wisdom Wednesday. Last week’s virtue was contentment. This week’s virtue is creativity. Creativity is simply the ability to create something. It is a virtue relating to the …

Wisdom Wednesday/Virtue Quotes: Contentment

enter Good morning and happy “Wisdom Wednesday”. Each week I post quotes on various virtues. Last week’s virtue was empathy. This week’s virtue is the virtue of contentment. What is contentment? For me, contentment is about …


Wisdom Wednesday: Tact

Each week I post motivational quotes on various different virtues. In the past, I called this segment “Virtue Wednesday”. But I think the more appropriate title for this segment is “Wisdom Wednesday”. What do you …

Wisdom Wednesday: Joyfulness

Each week I will post quotes from a different virtue. Last week’s virtue was accountability. This week’s virtue is joyfulness. Joyfulness is the emotion of great happiness induced by happiness, achievement, or fortuity. 10 Quotes …

Wisdom Wednesday

Photo Source: Frederic Bisson “Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact”–Henry James “True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how …