watch wisdom Wednesday ambition

watch Good morning and happy Wisdom Wednesday. We are getting closer to summer with each week that passes. The flowers here are starting to bloom and my little vegetable garden is starting to sprout. I had attempted to plant a vegetable garden in the past with no success. I either planted the seeds at the wrong time, did not water as frequently as I should have or used the wrong soil. This year I decided to attempt to plant a pot garden of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, spinach, carrots, and a few herbs. After a long few weeks, the seeds are starting to sprout, and I am excited to see them mature. I do have to admit, it has really required patience and ambition to get this vegetable garden going. I think it will require even more to keep it alive.

see Ambition is a strong desire or drive to reach success or achievement. Not everyone has the same amount or level of ambition.  There are a lot of reasons why having a healthy dose of ambition is important in our lives.  This is due in part to there being different times and circumstances where we require a great deal of ambition. We need it in our careers, our families, and for ourselves. Accomplishing our goals and dreams is one of the greatest things we can do with our lives. It could be a goal to run a marathon or to have a poem you’ve written published. Nevertheless of what we want to do for ourselves, we need to be ambitious to achieve it. Being ambitious is important because most things in life are not just handed to us. When we desire something extraordinary out of our lives, we must be willing to work hard to reach it. Additionally ambition is needed during the trials and tribulations we all face in life.  Maintaining and ambitious attitude during difficult times will guide us to get ourselves out of them and to find contentment and victory. We must have ambition in our lives to have determination to see the importance of our dreams and goals. It also helps us understand that what we get and make out of our lives is entirely up to us. Having a healthy dose of ambition will help us realize all of our goals and dreams. Furthermore, having an ambitious spirit, more things will appear possible. We no longer look at our dreams and aspirations as mere daydreams. This is why ambition is important. Ambition allows us to be motivated and strengthened to make our goals a reality. This could be a desire to lose weight, a dream to secure a better job or even the motivation to start your own business. Having a little bit of ambition can positively change our lives.  

10 Wisdom Wednesday Quotes: Ambition  “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved”—Helen Keller

follow url “A garden requires patient labor and attention. Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions or to fulfill good intentions. They thrive because someone expended effort on them”—Liberty Hyde Bailey “Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings”—Salvador Dali

see url “When you’re in your 20s, your 30s, even, you have – at least, I had – vast ambitions, and you sit around mooning about these things, and you’re depressed, because you haven’t done them. And it takes you a long time to come to the realization that if you can’t be John Updike, well, then, you can’t”—Garrison Keillor

source site “Great ambition is the passion of a great character. Those endowed with it may perform very good or very bad acts. All depends on the principles which direct them”—Napoleon Bonaparte

click “Don’t let ambition get so far ahead that it loses sight of the job at hand”—William Feather “A man’s worth is no greater than the worth of his ambitions”—Marcus Aurelius

follow “Though ambition in itself is a vice, yet it is often the parent of virtues”—Quintilian

get link “Time is the only critic without ambition”—John Steinbeck

Buy Real Tramadol Online  “Big results require big ambitions”—Heraclitus


Read more Wisdom Wednesday quotes HERE