
Summer is just around the corner. With the brutal winter we had, it is no wonder that everyone is out and about so much lately. Amidst a busy life of work, family, and other personal/professional obligations, it sometimes feels like weight loss is a daunting feat. But the pursuit of a strong and healthy body can and is possible despite the hectic schedules. When you make exercise workouts a routine and a daily habit, becoming fit is quite easy.

There are many workouts available to help you build muscle and trim inches off your stomach, waist, and other body parts. When you merge a great workout with a proper diet, you will retrain your body just to burn fat and bring about a lasting weight loss. In addition to weight loss, consistent exercise can help in relieving stress and promote the general feeling of well being.

It is important not to mistake fat loss and weight loss. Fat loss is achieved through the right exercise workouts and diet that brings about permanent weight loss. Weight loss accomplish through starvation diets and supplements tend to result in water weight loss that is not permanent and creates the condition for the body to regain the weight lost once the diet is concluded.

Workouts that burn the fat are the ones that are done persistently. Cardiovascular workouts such as aerobics, walking, biking, swimming, or jogging are great ways to help you build endurance and burn fat. Weight training workouts will build strength and definition in the muscles.

Below are my favorite ten effective workouts that work (links). You can do either at home or in the gym that will help you to build muscle and burn fat.

 Gym Exercises

1. Stationary Bike Workout

2. Powermill Workout

3. Cybex Arc Trainer Workout

4. Lower Body Exercises

Home Exercises

5.  30 Minute Elliptical Workout

6. 30 Minute Home Circuit Workout

7. 15 Day Workout

8. Weekend Sexy Body Workout

9. Plank Challenge

10. Exercise Without Equipment