The Universe

So many times in the past I have felt like I have missed out on opportunities or had things “taken” from me. That feeling of failure and loss hurts like a bitch. I tend to dwell on it more than I should. Rumi once said: “It’s rigged — everything, in your favor. So there is nothing to worry about.”

But looking back now I realize that every damn time I lost or missed out on something, I received something far BETTER than I had originally planned or wanted.

The Universe is always working in my favor. I need to just stop trying to force anything and just BE.⁣

So, if you are like me, take a moment today and just be grateful, because the universe is working in your favor too. While it does not seem easy to see when things do not go as planned, when we take into perspective that the universe is always conspiring to help us, everything will always work out for us.

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