Do you have a sensitivity to gluten? Don’t worry, you are not alone. There are estimated to be nearly 18 million gluten sensitivity sufferers in the United States today. Those suffering from gluten sensitivity cannot …
Turmeric Tea to Save the Day This past month I have been feeling a little out of sorts. Maybe it is the time change, or the season changes, or just everyday life. My mind felt foggy and unsettled, my muscle sore … Amazing Paleo Recipes I often get asked if I have any recipes on the blog that are Paleo or Gluten-Free. This past year, I have ventured and dabbles in both “eating plan” worlds. I have tried and created …
sourceEasy Crock Pot Ham and Pineapple I love quick and easy just like the next person. This is probably why I use the crockpot as much as I do. I remember my mom using an old orange one when I was … Paleo Waffles I woke up this morning with a hankering for waffles. The truth be told, I have not been eating very paleo lately. I know that when I eat paleo I feel so much better mentally … Attitude Moms: 7 Powerful Ways to Stay Positive
Cheap Tramadol Online Cod Being a mom, whether you are a stay-at-home mom or a working mom, can take a huge toll on your mind, body, and soul. Regardless if you have one or 10 kids, there are days …
Tramadol BuyingSkinny Pumpkin Spiced Frappe Pumpkin spiced beverages from coffee shops and restaurants are all the rage right now. Despite the fact that these beverages taste amazing, they are loaded with sugar and dairy that adds unwanted calories and eventually …
sourceHomemade & Healthy Pumpkin Butter Without a doubt, each October I fall in love with all things pumpkin and pumpkin spice related. But this year, the pumpkins have rolled out early! Between the pumpkin picking, pumpkins lining the front porches, …
Protein Shakes to Shake Off the Booty Good morning all you moxie mama’s out there! I have been experimenting with various /meal replacement shakes in order to cut the carbs and, hopefully, shed some of this baby weight. While some of the …
Crockpot Spiced Pork Loin Roast I love cooking in my crockpot. I cook chicken and beef the most but I love to try and create new recipes using other types of meal and poultry. In the past I have featured …
Crockpot Beef Brisket Now that summer is almost over, it is time to get back into the swing of things. One of the things that I really enjoy about the fall and winter months is the number of …
5 Tips for Staying Fit at Your Desk Job
Order Tramadol From India It is no doubt that long commutes and even longer work days create an environment of inactivity. Sedentary lifestyles, such as a desk jobs, increase the risk of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, lower back …