What do you do when all things appear to be unmanageable? What do you do when you don’t know how to go on? What do you do when you believe there is nothing more that can be done? What do you do when you question yourself and your decisions? go to link You level up! You level up against challenges. You keep struggling. You find a way to make a little transpire. You see a way to get to the following stage, even if that stage is only a small move forward. You take that first step ahead without judgment.

watch Believe in yourself. You are more than this. You ARE more than this that is holding you back. You haven’t received more because you were not eager enough. Now you are willing enough. You are more than willing, you are impassioned. You are ready to level up. You must, You will! Nothing will stop you because you will no longer interrupt your power. You are more than this. Talk to yourself often. Tell yourself: “I CAN!” Tell yourself you can “I can do this, I will do this because I am dedicated, I am prepared, and I will learn until I find a way. “
No, it won’t be comfortable or straightforward, and that is the greatest gift of all of this. This is what will make a fantastic statement: you fighting back from the little to abundance, from fight to victory. You will be scratching your path to the top with a spirit to endure. Not just endure but FLOURISH! You have so much more inside you. You have a tireless power inside you; you have unrelenting bravery inside you. You have it all, and you will get it all because you didn’t give up. “You have the capacity to leave a lasting impact and indelible impression upon this world…. Claim the sacred spaces of your minds, nurture and cultivate a vision of fulfillment, and move toward that destiny with patience, perseverance, and prayer.” Mahershala Ali
Remember, you are so much more than just the place where you’re currently in your life. Only you determine what your future is going to be. Your future doesn’t have anything to do with your past. Your past doesn’t determine your future. Your past has expired. Now is the time for you to choose. Proclaim that you’re more, that you have more inside you than what you have shown the world. Proclaim, at this very moment, that you’re ready to go through the muck to get to that next stage, that you are willing to go through the gloom to get to the glory, the downpour to see the rainbow.

Proclaim it now: “I am more than this moment in time, I will do more, I will be more because I am deserving of all good things.”