Every Wednesday for over a year, I wrote a popular segment on the blog about wisdom and virtues. This segment became very popular and was shared often. I believe that in our busy day-to-day lives, we all need a little reminder about the virtues each of us possess within.
Merriam-Webster defines wisdom as “knowledge that is gained by having many experiences in life.” As we get older, we each pick up knowledge through practice and experience. Virtues, on the other hand, may be more difficult for us to acknowledge as they may be “hidden” within other, more popular virtues.
I have written many posts about the various virtues and have learned and grown a lot from each. During the course of the Wisdom Wednesday weekly segment, I came across some very interesting quotes associated with each virtue. Each week, I included quotes on the particular virtue from historical figure, religious leaders, and famous writers. Below, I have compiled a list of a few of my favorite virtues and links to each post for your reading pleasure. Thank you for reading. Please share any virtue that touches you. Enjoy!
Which virtue is your favorite?
To read additional Wisdom Wednesday posts visit HERE.