It is Springtime, and the kids and I are just itching to get outside and explore the new neighborhood. Unfortunately, the weather is not cooperating. After a warm tease last week, the temperatures have dropped back into the 30’s and 40’s. But the weather isn’t stopping them from exploring their sense of adventure. So, I had to get creative. So, I created this Indoor Scavenger Hunt.

If you’re stuck inside with kids due to weather or stay-at-home orders, try a traditional scavenger hunt that is entertaining and gets them active. Since we have tons of toys (what kid doesn’t), I wanted to keep it more toy oriented. I added a few other items in there to get them thinking and exploring.

This scavenger hunt is a self-guided activity is great for kids 6+ but can be used with younger kids with the help of an older sibling, grandparent, or parent. This activity really inspires children to finish the task on their own or together (if playing as a group) while allowing children to learn about problem-solving, memory retention, and creative thinking.

Super fun indoor scavenger hunt for kids stuck inside. See the list at:

To Get Started

  1. Gather materials. Print out the Indoor Scavenger Hunt. The scavenger hunt can be printed in color or black and white. The kids can use pen, pencil, crayon, or marker to mark off items found.
  2. Set a time limit. I like to give the kids 30 minutes to find all the items, but you can surely provide the kids with more or less time, depending on your situation and timeframe.
  3. Set rules. Expect your child to be excited to get begin the scavenger hunt. Create a few ground rules for the hunt. Make rules such as no running, no screaming, no fighting, no cheating, and remember manners.
  4. Winner. The winner is determined by the number of items found by the end of the time limit.

Finding Indoor Scavenger Hunt Clues

The scavenger hunt should be a brain training activity. Some of the items may require some creative thinking to find the clues. Encourage your child to not stay on one clue too long. Often my kids get stuck on one clue and then end up spending all their time on that clue. Sometimes the kids will find the clue when looking for something else.

Below you will find my Indoor Scavenger Hunt (with printable checklist) that you can do indoors with your kids right now. Get a PRINTABLE version of the Indoor Scavenger Hunt PDF HERE. Please feel free to leave a comment below and tell me how it went.

Looking for mor scavenger hunt fun? Here is a fun one to use in the backyard or out on the trail. Try my Outdoor Scavenger Hunt.

Indoor Scavenger Hunt for kids stuck inside. Get more info and a printable version at:
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